Calvin Parker Discusses Pascagoula Abduction

6 months ago

Calvin, I know that you didn't want to talk about this for decades.

It's probably still hard for you, but can you take me back to that night and just
kind of walk me through step by step what happened.

Calvin discusses the Pascagoula, Mississippi abduction.

The strange case of nineteen-year-old Calvin Parker, and forty-two-year-old Charles Hickson began a day before their famous encounter. On October 10, 1973, fifteen different people, including two policemen reported seeing a large, silver UFO slowly fly over a housing project in St. Tammany Parish, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Only a scant 24 hours later, Hickson and Parker would have the scare of their lives; a frightening encounter with an eerie UFO.

The two men were both from the town of Gautier, Mississippi, and were doing some fishing in the Pascagoula River on a night at about 9:00 P.M. They suddenly heard a type of buzzing behind them.

See the full case file at <a href="">The 1973 Pascagoula, Mississippi Abduction</a>

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