Tap Campfire Chat June 21 2024 - The USS Liberty & The Gulf Of Tonkin - False Flags & Cover Ups!

2 months ago

Group discussion on last Tuesday's event about - USS Liberty survivor Bryce Lockwood. We will examine the circumstances of the USS Liberty, what happened, and what the attack on the USS Liberty shows about government false flag events and the cover up as means to extend the power of empire.

Bryce will speak about his personal experience on the ship, but also speak to efforts being made to get accountability and justice.

In recent decades, Lockwood has joined other Liberty survivors in petitioning Congress for an open and thorough investigation of the attack. He will share his first-hand account of this deadly attack and the cover-up by both the Israeli and US governments that continues to this day. - Bryce is running for office. Please visit https://www.upballot.com/bryce-lockwood

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