"Lawyers" Pushing Forged Documents 🇳🇮 Nicaragua

8 months ago

If you are newly looking at or just arriving in #Nicaragua, there is a very high level of possibility or even probability that a lot of people are going to attempt to bombard you with misinformation often because somewhere behind the scenes they have some means of making money off of you and they are trying to mislead you. There's a lot of people making false claims, a lot of businesses looking to make a quick buck putting you at risk, and a lot of people getting swept along in these schemes are repeating false information because they have no basis for understanding what is real or not because they are new to the country or not thinking critically about how things work.

#lawyer #misinformation_buster

12 June 2024

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0:00 Intro
2:10 Illegal Claims
5:55 Double Anonymity
7:10 Warning Signs
8:00 Why Fake Your Residency?
9:50 Why Risk Blackmail?
15:30 Outside of Jurisdiction

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