🤗 Zeno meets future Zeno (Dragon Ball Super)

8 months ago

Does that even lo𝚚ically makes sense??? who art thou??? clones??? who is the real one??? uni𝚚ue soul??? simply flesh x infinite "timeline"???? Able to "predict" future???? control??? plan???... if can "predict" and pre written.... free will???

Nostradamus and likes...??? privy to plan??? bible???... plan??? fulfilling prophecy/plan??? current habbening?!?!?!

Will people bite if complete fiction???? attach to reality to be believable and stick... 20% / 80% (false / true ratio)..... ie: Mesa/mountain as giant ancient tree..... old world and tech (tartaria)....... ➡️ flat earth --- if a is true... then b must also be true formula used.........

If one wishes to sell their bs product... cause/ideology... would one use something revolting or nice to attract????.... numbers??? symbols???.... 666???... pentagram???... hexagram???.... pattern of creation evil???

666 = 6+6+6 = 18 = 1+8 = NINE = 8+1
8 = Circle (infinity symbol?!?)
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 =36
base 10 system
36 x 10 = 360 = circle
1+8 = NINE = 8+1 = Circle + point of origin (center/creator/God/source/black?!? --- 🇪🇬⚫🐸KeK🐸⚫🇪🇬)
1+2+3+4+5........ +36 = 666

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