The Deplatform Campaigns Are Just Fraud

3 months ago

This is actually a powerful point... if you're a fraud/liar, falsely accusing people of things - do you want the falsely accused to be able to defend themselves with facts/evidence? Or would you instead run a campaign to take away their voice before they drop those facts/evidence?

If you are innocent of something, if you are the good person in the story, you don't want the person you're against to SHUT UP, you want them to talk as much as possible - because the more they talk, the more obvious their lies will become.

That's why any #Deplatform campaign often looks like a bunch of people just trying to cover up the truth. YOU WANT LIARS TO TALK, SO THEIR OWN LIES DESTROY ALL THEIR CREDIBILITY BEYOND REPAIR.

This is why corrupt people rarely take the stand, their lawyers know damn well, if you let the frauds talk, they'll screw themselves over, hard.

This is also why you should always tell the truth. If you tell the truth, you don't need to worry about keeping your facts straight because you're relying on your actual memory of what actually happened - not a lie you made up along the way.

The reason we remember the truth easy, and forget lies, is because the truth actually happened and impacted us, while a made up story that means nothing? That's difficult to remember.

So yeah, a lot of liars want honest people deplatformed, and a lot of liars say things like "I'll never take the stand". What would I have to fear from taking the stand if I want the truth known? Like OJ Simpson, he didn't take the stand, but if the man were truly a grieving man, who lost a beautiful wonderful person, wouldn't that be obvious to everyone? Wouldn't that be compelling? Or would it wind up looking like Amber Heard, totally fake and transparent? (We all saw/heard the videos of Amber Heard abusing Johnny Depp... she is a professional actor, and even she couldn't pull off being a victim on the stand) - Again, this is why you want frauds on the record, you don't want them deplatformed, you want them in plain sight, for all to see.

Onision's father is a great example. When Onision was 15, his father choked him for calling his wife a "f***ing b****" - First Onision's father said that Onision had just hauled off and punched him for no reason (story reported by Onision's cousin). Then Onision's father said he "tried to reach and grab his shoulders to keep him from leaving" (news article). Then Onision's father said he had gone even further, physically assaulting Onision by "shaking him" - Onision's father then went on to say "I probably felt like choking him" (fraud documentary).

Do you see how the lie evolved there? First Onision's father said he did nothing, then he said he had physically restrained Onision, then he said he had actually assaulted Onision by shaking him, and had "probably felt like choking him" - Do you see how incompetent liars are?

Lying is for morons, here's why: Keeping a made up story straight requires insane levels of intelligence, but the thing is, if you're smart, you don't lie, because you know there is no real winning, and you will slip up eventually.

See what I mean? If the first action of your enemy is to deplatform you, you've already won. Let the frauds speak, and catch them in their lies. #truth #facts #honesty

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