Oakland Is In Freefall: 80-To-100 People Ransacked And Vandalized Gas Station Mart - Part 1

8 months ago

Posted • July 6, 2024: California Governor Hair Gel, part of the defund police leftist cabal, promised to plus-up state patrol officers to Oakland and did for a while. The city suffers from the highest crime rates in decades. 80-to-100 people allegedly ransacked and vandalized this gas station mart on Hegenberger in Oakland this morning. The owner says the group broke fridges, took the ATM apart and caused around $100,000 in damage/loss. This area is close to the In-N-Out that closed this year due to crime. There was also a reported shooting at the Chevron nearby. Adding insult to injury the owner claims he filed a report but police have yet to show up. We’ve reached out to OPD. (…)

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Rumble: Oakland Is In Freefall: 80-To-100 People Ransacked And Vandalized Gas Station Mart - Part 2

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