Ultimate Doom Builder Tutorial: Part 13: Switches, Lifts, and Secrets

8 months ago

In this series, I create a new Doom 2 map from scratch, in order to teach how to use Ultimate Doom Builder. In this video, I show off switches, lifts, linedef/sector tags, and secret effects.

0:00 Intro Clip
0:11 Introduction
0:32 Off-Camera Changes
2:40 Creating a Shootable Switch (Action 46: GR Door Open Stay)
5:39 Tags (Linking Linedef Actions to Sectors)
7:24 Testing the Shootable Switch
8:03 Starting the Secret Area
9:52 Building a Lift
14:34 Lift Action 123: SR Lift Lower Wait Raise (fast)
15:25 Easy Mistake - Missing Textures Around Lifts
16:30 Lift Action 120: WR Lift Lower Wait Raise (fast)
17:18 Switch Behavior
21:08 Watch Out For 0-Tagged Linedef Actions!
23:21 Marking Sectors as Secret
23:53 Conclusion

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