Efficient methods - experiences in Japan - part 1

8 months ago

The New Period. Efficient methods – experiences in Japan. In this definitive episode; I define, explain, and give reasons for being efficient. I believe efficiency is at the core of many benefits. Happiness, advancement and achievement. Here, I share my recent experiences in Japan, what I believe one of the most efficient societies today. Efficient methods encompass the actions, choices, technologies, and mentalities that allow us to be efficient. Efficiency is simply operating at optimal performance; using the least resources while producing the most good for society and ourselves. And, resources to be saved include energy, materials, and time. This part one, focuses on defining efficient methods, and in ways how to be efficient. There, I discuss some methods, and common efficient choices. And, I delve into some efficient technologies, such as for heating, transportation, electrical production, and more. Enjoy.
Hector Vladimir 2024©
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Kyoto Koto, Zen Garden, Moji Momiziba.
Japanese koto music (No Copyright) "Kyoto Koto" Zen, Garden [Free BGM] (youtube.com)
Graceful Koto, Moji Momiziba.
Japanese Zen music (No Copyright) "Graceful Koto" Japanese restaurant [Free BGM] (youtube.com)

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