Tangled Wheel Spin Video!

5 months ago

My latest wheel spin is over! Congrats to all of the winners and I hope everyone enjoyed the video. I had a couple ideas of what my next video could be about, but I am going to be posting a poll and letting the Tangled community choose what my next video should be about. I am going to try to do another number challenge as well. You guys were so fast I am thinking I am going to have to make this one a little more difficult (without any extra numbers this time of course 🤣) I will be posting my next video poll very soon! Keep an eye out and thank you for all of the support!!

Check out Tangled and follow me to start earning MLX!

You can also find my videos on Rumble and Gleev!
Rumble - https://rumble.com/c/c-2000582
Gleev - https://gleev.xyz/channel/60689?tab=Videos

Stay tuned for a Tangled poll to see what my next video will be about!

#wheelspinvideo #wheelspin #congratseveryone #thankyou #seeyousoon #videopollcomingsoon #earnmlx #wheelspinhasended #tangled

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