SETH RICH, DNC HACK, JULIAN ASSANGE, “THE BREACH, Murder for Hire Beyond a Reasonable Doubt!”

7 months ago

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*Of course Cain was not free, as he had literally sold his soul to the Adversary, as do all who seek “to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries.” They seek to enslave others, that they may “get gain”…and in the process they lose everything, but most of all their own freedom!

Sherry B., interviews T. M. Ballantyne, Jr., previously penned “The Trump Author,” now known as -- “The Truth Author”, is the author of nineteen books. We’ll be covering Mr. Ballantyne’s latest release “THE BREACH – Murder for Hire – Beyond Reasonable Doubt! ” – which includes extremely well sleuthed-out evidence, that will leave us, I believe, without a shadow of a doubt, believing if Seth Rich was, or was not, “the guy who leaked the DNC emails to Wikileaks”, just before the 2016 U.S. Presidential election in which Hillary Clinton “knew” she’d be the Victor. Is this the event/exposure of truth, what changed the DNC’s grand plan?

Seth Murdered – (born Jan. 3, 1989 from Omaha, Nebraska) – Died July 10, 2016 – Murdered in Washington, D.C.

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