MASONS misleaders handlers for lightworkers patriots (are mix correct info into wrong idea)

7 months ago

[know] on moment island near antarctica been tried use for generate mini ice age part climate change plans for europe, now already been happen colder weather on north europe, wind direction tried lock one way from north pole north sea to south hit continuesly to norway coast, original dark plans was cut off warm ocean currents on atlantic ocean from mexico area

[note] they still try buy people trust for benefits to manipulate, listen read they messages from between lines, they not been tell all they know but only as much secrets mysterys information intels stay to sell with books movies tvseries documents, paid programmed artificial drama queens, alien info is only for mislead with keep trend fashion faked new age online in internet virtual reality been 'illuminati card' for faked 'alien attacks' to keep people on fear or 'religions activation' when all religion comes from anunnaki aka lower dimension beings aka aliens

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