Blindspot 117 - Steve Bannon= MAGA Political Prisoner & Russia dumps US$ & Euro in geoeconomic war

8 months ago

Blindspot 117 - Steve Bannon - a #MAGA US Political Prisoner; New twist in Geoeconomic war as Russia dumps US$ & Euro while Japan sells off toxic treasuries

Buiteboer // From Bunker 42

Welcome to the Multi-PolarBear World!

I - New twist in Geoeconomic War as Russia dumps trade in US$ & Euro
II - What is the current status of the US$ as global reserve & trading currency?
III - Russia and the North-South trade corridor in a realigning world
IV - Steve Bannon - a MAGA US Political Prisoner
V - Cognify: Welcome to the Matrix’ AI MindPrison

I - New twist in Geoeconomic War as Russia dumps trade in US$ & Euro
In Blindspot 116 we covered Pepe Escobar’s comments on dedollarisation, asking how a country like Russia can trade in the currency of an enemy. He argued that the geoeconomic war that unfolded especially from 2022 is the most important frontline of the confrontation between not only Russia and the West, but, the global South, and ever growing platforms such as BRICS.

Today we look at a new twist in the geoeconomic war and how, during June, in response to new sanctions, announced that, as on June 12 Reuters reported, “New U.S. sanctions against Russia have forced an immediate suspension of trading in dollars and euros on its leading financial marketplace, the Moscow Exchange.”

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