Maldives Becomes a Victim of CCP's Belt and Road Initiative

7 months ago

07/05/2024 CNA: China's economic footprint in the Maldives is growing, with major infrastructure investments that promise to boost tourism and development on the islands. But these investments come at a cost. Official data shows the Maldives has raked up more than $4 billion in foreign debt, and 1.5 billion dollars, nearly 40% is owed to China, its biggest lender. It raised concerns about the island's ability to repay its mounting foreign debt.
#Maldives #DebttrapDiplomacy #CCP #beltandroadinitiative
07/05/2024 亚洲新闻台:中共国在马尔代夫的经济足迹日益扩大,其大规模的基础设施投资有望促进该岛屿的旅游业和发展。但这些投资是有代价的。官方数据显示,马尔代夫的外债已超过40亿美元,其中欠其最大债权国—中共国15亿美元,占总债务的近40%。人们对该岛屿偿还其巨额外债的能力表示担忧。
#马尔代夫 #债务陷阱外交 #中共 #一带一路倡议

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