Warren Buffett – A "Storm is Brewing" in the Banking Industry

7 months ago

Warren Buffet warns that there is a $2.2 Trillion Storm that could hit the Banking Industry soon. The origins dates back over 4 decades.

Of course they are just creating an opportunity for our Savior – The Government to come in and “save” the day.

People take these flexible or adjustable loans betting that interest rates will stay the same or go down, but when they go up 5 or more points, those people are going to be underwater and those loans are going belly up, like a bloated stinky fish.

Whether it be commercial loans to help business stay afloat with some capital, farmers loans, real estate loans – all loans have their own contract language, like short-term or long-term, adjustable or fixed interest and when the human mind set is conditioned to believe that interest rates will stay the same or go down, and were lured in that the cost of borrowing could never go up by 5 points – those are the ones who will not be capable of paying these loans.

This will affect everyone.

Banks will be forced to absorb these losses and they may have to repossess assets which may end up being “dead” assets for a very long time, depending on how deep of a mess we are in and I believe that this will be a deep mess that will last for at least a decade, which will be devastating.

Also: Just as Covid was a plan to Vaccinate, this is a Plan to Steal the Wealth of Americans and Devastate America.

They already have planned on which Big Banks will survive and what little fish they will go after and their plan to jump on real estate when it goes down and just sit on it so those who lose homes are forced to rent.

The plan is to remove the power from the USA and to the East.

I’m sure good ole Warren is in on that plan as he will just be one of the Oligarchs here in the US. There are powers much, much larger than he is that are running the show.

When banks hold dead assets that money becomes “sterile” and will be worthless and not usable for a long time. Eventually once the middle class is devastated, they will begin increasing values and again and appreciation will resume and everything will be peachy for those selected banks playing this role of stealing the wealth and assets of Americans.

Everyone will think that this is a “natural” event just like they thought covid was. Nope. It’s been planned for decades.
Banks will not have liquidity or money to loan when they are sitting on dead assets.
People will become frightened and try to take their money out of the banks.

Those business that need fronts to make payrolls will no longer be able to get these loans, so you will see the small businesses fail. All part of the PLAN.

The big corporations will only get stronger through this planned sh*t storm.

Big Fish are just planning going on a feeding binge.

When Interest Rates go Down, which they did for almost 40 Consecutive Years, that perked up the Real Estate Investing and real estate is mostly purchased with DEBT.

When debt is cheap, the real estate market increases as buying increases.

When debt is cheap for 20 straight years, there is a LOT of borrowing to buy real estate, which builds a huge bubble as investors get comfortable with over borrowing and then suddenly out of nowhere you have a plandemic that hits and the Federal Reserve goes nuts and begins raising interest rates like crazy.

This quickly inflates that bubble.

The more time interest rates are at these levels it is slowly beginning to hurt those real estate investors who are now finding that water at neck level and they will soon be underwater and panicking.

Banks will take their assets, the real estate investors will lose their once very high credit rating, and banks will quickly become illiquid.

That will just be another HUGE Money Printing Opportunity for the smart US Gov to dig the grave deeper for the once greatest country in the world.

Real Estate Buyers are up to their Gills in Cheap Debt, some may be able to weather the storm as they took fixed rates and made solid choices on their real estate, but others won’t be so fortunate.

Interest Rates on Commercial Property (property used for business and not living) Loans are usually adjustable and not fixed rate loans. They are usually short-term 3 to 5 year loans and then the loans are reset to the current interest rates.

These are the ones who will be hurt first.
When you have 15 years of cheap debt around ZERO percent, you have millions of investors borrowing as much money as they can get their hands on.

Then the Fed raised rates very quickly.
The banks made $2.2 Trillion in Commercial Loans in the past decade and when these loans have to be reset, all parties involved, including the banks are in trouble.

Once again, this was a well planned event and they know the timing that this bubble will pop. They likely have their headlines written a decade ago and it is NOT that difficult to plan.

People think that this is impossible. Oh NO it’s not. It’s rather simple. They have simulated this event for likely 20 or more years to the day they plan on releasing the news to the public to really start the bank runs.

With the Fractional Reserve rules, the banks are way, way over leveraged and it will be the local and community banks that have been SET up for this.

The plan is to leave the Big Banks the last ones standing so the little ones are destroyed and the people will be forced without a choice to join the big banks after the dust of this storm begins to settle.

We all know what the Big Banks have planned.

Central Bank Digital Currency.

We need to wake up and realize that we are CONSTANTLY being PLAYED with.

Source: Investor Center -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_jC2RBAa3Y
This is part of a 3 part series covering some of Warren Buffets Red Flag Warnings he is giving out.
It leads up to what could occur here shortly down the road – a 40% haircut of the ENTIRE Stock Market.
Here is that video → ***Warren Buffet – “A Storm is Brewing in the Stock Market” – Is a 40% Crash on the Horizon? -- https://rumble.com/v55ixpz-warren-buffet-a-storm-is-brewing-in-the-stock-market-is-a-40-crash-on-the-h.html


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Thank You!!

END. 7/7/2024 – 3:00 PM

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