The Illusion of President Joe Biden

3 months ago

As far back as two thousand nineteen, Joe Biden's family complained to Jill that Joe has dementia.
Surely they won't force him to run for president, they cried, but arrangements were made,
and Joe was made president Joe Biden.
They can create a slide of hand to make it appear Joe is running the country.
Even though he’s not and never could, in his decrepit state of being almost dead.
And it’s silly for people to attempt to convince others of the opposite, just to be recognized as brainwashed, by everyone within the sound of their voice.
More recently, the DOJ’s Merrick Garland said they could never convict Joe, of his and his family's plethora of state and federal crimes, because of Joe being a decrepit old man with dementia.
I can’t remember a time when an AG of the United States judicial system declined to convict a person who was obviously committing crimes because of the attorney general’s personal assessment of the individual’s mental state.
Followed by not submitting the individual to be assessed by medical professionals, most likely because the AG has confirmation from Joe's friends and family that his assessment of Joe’s senility was & is correct.
It's also likely
these same individuals were the ones who convinced the AG to not convict or even try Joe,
to not even have a mental assessment performed on Joe,
because that would out them as Joe's handlers,
and out Joe as someone needing to be handled.
Joe's handlers must be a skilled team of people.
They need to stand up and be congratulated.
Stand up and take a bow.
Introduce yourselves and give some interviews.
Make some public appearances and shake some hands with the people you manipulated into victims.
Joe's handlers have been running the country and tightly adhering to all of the United Nation’s Directives,
while redirecting attention away from taking the country into communism.
While creating the illusion that Joe is in control,
and the over running and demise of every western country on the planet,
is just a coincidence.

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