S4 Ep7 Real Catholic Inc. Trashes Succession to Defend Schismatic Vigano

6 months ago

And hilarity ensued! Now that Archbishop Vigano, conservative hero of Real Catholic Inc. (RCI), has been formally called a schismatic and excommunicated, RCI finds itself denying the Seat of Peter's "right" to bind and loose! The House of Cards again collapses. But then again, the Catholic Church is never quite sure exactly what the Pope's authority is. Nevertheless, the Catechism declares the faithful MUST bow both mind (intellect) and will to the Pope, in a special way, on all matters of fath ore morals, EVEN WHEN HE IS NOT SPEAKING EX CATHEDRA.

RCI further attacks the foundation of Catholicism itself declaring The College of Cardinals appointed by Popes Benedict and "Saint" John Paul II apparently made an impossible error in their choice thus throwing the entire history of the papacy into doubt... and it's glorious to watch! If you're a Catholic who accepts the sentence placed upon Vigano, you can move on. This video addresses those "conservative" Catholics who believe Francis is not to be obeyed. So, RCI attacks the very idea of succession.

RCI has spent 30 years browbeating me with the words of the Lord (ripped from their context in Matthew) stating that Peter could bind and loose only to find themselves denying Popes, Councils, and Catechisms just to defend an archbishop against a Pope! Pope (greater than) Archbishop, RCI.

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