Saturday Night Live: Jason Statham’s The Beekeeper ~ The Greatest ’Truther’ Movie Ever...

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Saturday Night Live: Jason Statham’s The Beekeeper ~ The Greatest ’Truther’ Movie Ever...

3:00pm PST, 5:00pm CST, 6:00pm EST, 11:00pm UK Time, Midnight SAST, 8am Sydney Australia, 10am Wellington NZ

All Right, get Ready for it, Tonight, Saturday, July 6th (Eleven Days until 7/17), at 5pm CST, we will be LIVE with the Greatest ’Truther’ Movie Ever, Jason Statham’s, 2024 Release, The Beekeeper...

During the Show, we will be Watching the entire Movie together, taking Notes, and then we will Break it All Down, and Decode ALL of the Pertinent Messages that are shared to us thru the PARABLE of a Simple, Honest, and Good Beekeeper, and his HIVE…this Warrior Angel has Retired from Fighting the Good Fight, and had become a Pacifist, a Humble Beekeeper, maintaining the Hive at its Peak Perfection, and Yielding from it DIVINE HONEY, that was Stored and Saved, and Given Freely to those in Need of its Healing Properties…

But during this Service to the Bees (the Workers within Nature that Keep Plants Living, so that they can Generate Seeds and Reproduce More Plants which Keep us All Alive), the Evil that Resides in the ‘Out There’ World, came Crashing Down upon Jason Statham's own Simple and Beautiful World, in the form of the Dispicable Fallen Male, using Forced Deception which led to the Loss of the Queen Bee, the Divine Feminine, who was So Innocent and Loving, that she fell Prey to the Game of Lies for Money…

And within a Moment’s Notice, with his own Personal World under Charges for Murder, this Divine Masculine Figure, Quietly gave up his Service and Silence to the Bees, so that he could SEEK for Justice against these Marauding Invaders, so that No Others who were Divine and Innocent should suffer from a Similar Fate…

In other Words, Jason Statham did what was Right and Hard, forsaking the Easy Path, and Strapped on the Armor of God, and went forth to bring Justice to those who OWNED THE SYSTEM and were Immune to any Consequences against them…but as he began, he could barely FATHOM just how High this Evil went, and how Wide-spread it had become, until he realized that the Entire Hive of Humanity was INFECTED with a Catastrophic Disease, and therefore, he needed to Clean Out the Hive from the Top, in the Hopes that a New Queen would Take the Reigns and set Right all that was so Tragically WRONG…

In a Word, this Movie is BREATHTAKING, as Statham and the Film’s Director and Writers, went for the Jugular of EVERYTHING that is wrong with the World ‘Out There’ today, holding nothing back, and taking NO PRISONERS as he Fought the Good Fight to Rescue the Hive and then Set it Right Side Up…while EVERYONE within Law Enforcement, Worked Against Him and Helped the One, True Enemy of us All…EVIL…

So, Take a Deep Breath, and Join us Saturday Night for this RIVETING Movie of Pure Truth, both OUT THERE and WITHIN US, starring Jason Statham, who also Co-Produced the Movie...You are going to LOVE this Show as Statham Reveals how the Human EGO has come to CONTROL Society, with almost everyone Deep underneath its Evil Spell...See you Saturday night, LIVE…

With Love,

CF and Collywog

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