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Prophet Julie Green - Why This Darkness Had to Be Allowed -Captions
In this prophetic word from God, he acknowledges the suffering and oppression of his people at the hands of those in power. He explains that he was forced out of many institutions and systems because his people did not stand and fight for him. He urges his people to awaken, seek him, and use the authority he has given them to bring about change. God reassures his people that he has heard their prayers and will bring about deliverance, restoration, and the removal of their enemies from power. He urges them not to give in or be moved by their enemies' tactics, as their enemy's days of control are over.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Today’s Scriptures:
Neh. 9:6-38
1 Sam. 8:1-22
Hos. 4:6
Ex. 32:1
Gen. 50:20
Heb. 12:6
Ps. 34:4, 7, 17, 19
Ex. 3:19-22
Isa. 54:17
1 Cor. 2:9
COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International
Good morning everybody. Today is Tuesday already and it's June 25th of 2024 and yes, I am live in my office this morning and so I will be giving you this prophetic word and encouragement for today and I also have some more good news for you and I will be mentioning this later because not everybody jumps on right away but I have good news.
Even though I'm going to be on a prayer retreat with my team, it is in the area. Okay. I will be in the area of my hometown. And so, I was praying and I knew the Lord has directed me. I will come back home tomorrow at some point and I will be live with Pastor Dave. I knew that the Lord had wanted me to do that show.
I usually, I automatically canceled it cause I was going to be out of town, you know, in the area, like 20 some miles away, 30 miles away, whatever. And so I thought, okay, if I'm going to pray retreat, I have to cancel. Well, the Lord has changed it and I'm actually going to do the live show with pastor Dave.
Something has to be said, something has to be done. So, just let you guys know. I did prerecord for tomorrow morning. It is a brand new prophetic word that you've never heard. And you have to hear tomorrow morning's live show. So I'll make the show the team, even though I'm pre recording these things, they will be live streamed.
So you still have your live chat and you're praying for one another. I know it's so important for you and it's important for all of us here. So. We will be live streaming all of these pre recorded videos now I will be on again with pastor dave tomorrow at 11 o'clock So I will come back home from the town i'm gonna be in to do that live show for you So, okay and for the lord because I know he wants me to do it So I want to give that update today and encouragement something big is going on and that's why I know that I can't not do that live show.
Okay. So in this live show this morning, I am going to do this prophetic word. And this was hard for me to hear again. It's another one. It's very powerful. It was very hard for me to hear because well, you'll see why this is called why this darkness had to be allowed before I get to that prophetic word.
And I heard that one on the 21st of June. So just a few days ago, the Lord is answering our questions. Because many people have been praying and reaching out to him, asking why are these things going on? Why are things so dark? Why is evil just so, over and running rampant everywhere? Why does it look like it's in control?
Why are we under such adversity? Why are all these bad things happening to us? And God is answering these questions. It's very important on the heart of God to know that For his people to know that he not only hears. Their questions. He hears the cries of his people and he delivers them and he answers their questions And he gives them more insight and revelation knowledge on what he needs them to know For this particular point in time and so God is hearing each and every one of you He's hearing the cries of his people all over the nations around the world and he's answering it But when you hear his voice This answer to this word.
It's not an easy answer to hear. I'm just gonna be point blank. It's not easy It was hard for me to hear it and I it's hard for me to say it So I will get through this prophetic word the best that I can. Okay And then of course, he's given me some scriptures to go over with you on what he wants us to do in this particular point in time.
So again, why this darkness had to be allowed. And this prophetic word was from June 21st. For I, the Lord, have seen my creation under attack, my children under great oppression, stress, pressure, sorrow, anguish, fear, worry, anxiety. I've seen the constant torment and the struggle.
I've seen the burden your taskmasters and your nations and your governments have subjected you to. I've heard and seen all that they have done to you. I will not allow it to continue. I will not allow the ruling class to stay in power and to keep you in their bondage.
You may ask why Lord was this allowed? Why Lord is the world so dark? Why have these people been allowed to stay in power so long to torture us like this?
My children, may I remind you
that I was the One that was allowed to be thrown out of your government while my people stayed silent.
I was the one thrown out of schools while my people stayed silent. I was the one taken out of businesses while my people stayed silent. I was allowed to be thrown out of many churches while my people continued to stay silent. I was thrown out of your justice system while my people remained silent.
I had to allow certain things because I was no longer wanted
and I was no longer welcome. Now you see what's left when I Am not there. I did not want this for you. I did not want to leave you in any of those places. I was forced out
when my people did nothing to stand and fight for me to stay there. But I have heard the cries of my people now, and I will deliver you. I will answer your prayers, and I will destroy your enemy's power and remove them in this hour.
Now you know, and now you believe and understand my words, and how to use the authority that I have given to you. You have been awakened, and To see the truth and how many were deceived into believing their twisted way of thinking And how your enemies tricked so many into believing I didn't belong in those places or that I did not want or care about politics and government....
Do you see how your enemies got into your churches? And my children believed those doctrines instead of reading and believing my own word and what I said.
It may be dark, and it may be very uncomfortable, and I know many have suffered at the hands of this government and these world leaders.
That's why there had to be an awakening. There had to be a shaking, and there had to be a desperation in some so they would turn and look to me. When people were uncomfortable, sorry, when people were comfortable in living life how they thought they wanted to live, they didn't pray or call upon me like before.
So in this time, your adversary sneaks in, and he steals, and he kills, and he destroys my people and my lands when they are not seeking after me for deliverance or truth.
Do you see now why things are this bad? Why the enemies were in power and how they were allowed to be in those positions and how they did so much damage? If I Am not there in any of these places of power, then your enemy is. And* there is no other choice*.
I've heard your prayers to bring them out, to bring my glory, my presence back in. I've heard your prayers, wanting freedom and restoration from all that your enemies have done and stolen from you.
I will show you great removals and great restoration. I Am moving my hand and I'm healing your land. Don't quit now and don't give in and don't be moved by what they try next. Their days of being in power and control are over, saith the Lord of Hosts. Now, even though that word was not very long, as you can see, I tried to contain myself, but it's hard because so many, I can feel God and I can feel the compassion he has for his people.
But at the same time, him showing us. They're blaming God for taking his hand off or for allowing these things to happen. He's saying, I had to, it was hard to hear in this prophetic word that he was forced out of our government or our churches or our businesses or schools. He was forced out. He was not welcomed in those places.
And people in the body of Christ for so long just sat silent and allowing our freedoms as Christians, our freedoms as people in this country to allow God to be removed from so many things because a twisted lie, like he said in that word, a lie, the separation of church and state was not how it is meant to be.
But our government got in. And they twisted that lie, and they made you believe something that wasn't true at all. And God's people stayed silent. And people are wondering why we have such evil governments and evil justices and judges all over this country. He was kicked out of the justice system. The Ten Commandments were removed.
When goodness is not there and God is all good, we don't have goodness there, then we're left with bad and evil. If truth is removed because God is truth, His word is truth. If He's removed, there's deception. He's a God of justice. If He's removed, you have injustice. When people were blaming him and mad at him, he's a gentleman.
If he's not welcome somewhere, he won't be there. So God's people, unbeknownst to them, many different times, in the Bible, they did the exact same thing. The enemy tricked them into believing a lie. They wanted, they didn't want God in control of their nation. They wanted kings like everybody else. They wanted to be like everybody else.
And that's when judgment came upon them. That's when it became torturous for them because their enemy tortured them so much. It was very tormenting and very oppressive. If you don't have God in your presence, if you don't have God in your government or in your schools or in your churches, if you don't have them in your justice system, then what do you have left?
The church cannot have it both ways. They can't want justice until God to be removed. You can't have freedom in your schools and protection and your kids to be free to learn and protected if you have God removed. You can't have it both ways. There's been so much deception and that's what brought on so much corruption.
This is why it has been so dark. This is why it has been so oppressive. This is why so many of our freedoms have been taken away. And this is why God had to allow it. If God's not in our government, if he's not in our justice system, if he's not wanted in a nation, then who do you have left to control it?
That's why he has shown us this time. This is the time of that shaking, the time of that great awakening, the time where so many things will look so dark, but it's not for our destruction. Is for an awakening to realize that we were going down a path of destruction in this nation and around the world. We were going down a path of evil being allowed, that word allowed, to rule and reign.
If God was not allowed, then all we have left is the enemy in charge. I read this to you some time last week. This is in Nehemiah 9. Nehemiah chapter 9, in verse 6. You alone are the Lord, creator of the heavens and all the stars, the creator of the earth and those who live on it, creator of the ocean and all of its creatures.
You are the sources of life, praised by the stars. That fill the heavens. Verse 7, You are the Lord our God, the one who's chosen Abram. You brought him from Ur and to Babylonia and named him Abraham. Verse 8, Because he was faithful, you made an agreement. To give his ascendants the land of Canaan, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Pezrites, and the Jebusites, and the Gergesites.
Now you have kept your promise, just as you always do.
Verse 9, when your ancestors were in Egypt, you saw their suffering, and then they're at the Red Sea. You heard their cry for help. Verse 10, you knew like the King of Egypt and his official and his nation had mistreated your people. So you worked fearsome miracles against the Egyptians. And you earned a reputation that still remains.
Verse 11, You divided the deep sea, your people walked through on dry land, but you tossed their enemies in, and they sank down like a heavy stone. Verse 12, Each day you led your people with a thick cloud, and at night you showed the way with flaming fire. Verse 13, At Sinai you came down from heaven, and you gave your people good laws and teachings, that are fair and honest.
Verse 14, You commanded them to respect your holy Sabbath, and you instructed your servant Moses to teach them laws. Verse 15, When they were hungry, you sent bread from heaven, and when they were thirsty, you let water flow from a rock. Then you commanded them to capture the land that you silently promised.
Verse 16, Our stubborn ancestors refused to obey. They forgot about the miracles. You had worked for them, and they were determined to turn to Egypt and become slaves again.
Verse 17. But our God, you are merciful, and you are quick to forgive. You are loving, kind, and very patient, and you so never turned away from them.
Verse 18. Not even when they made an idol shaped like a calf and insulted you by claiming Verse 19. This is the God who rescued us from Egypt.
Verse 19. Because of your great mercy, you never abandoned them in the desert. You always guided them with a cloud by day and a fire at night. Your gentle spirit instructed them and you gave them manna to eat and water to drink. Verse 21. You took care of them for 40 years, and they never lacked a thing.
Their clothes didn't wear out, and their feet were never swollen.
You let them conquer kings and take their land, including King Sihon of Shep Hasbon and King Og of Bashan. You brought them into a land that you had promised their ancestors and you blessed their nation with people that outnumbered the sky, the stars in the sky. Then, their descendants conquered the land.
You helped them defeat the kings and nations and they treat their enemies however they wished. They captured strong cities and rich in farmland. They took furnished houses as well as cisterns, vineyards and olive orchards and numerous fruit trees. You And they ate till they were satisfied and they celebrated and were abundant blessings in spite of this
They rebelled and disobeyed your laws
They killed your prophets who warned them to turn back to you and they crushed your name
So you handed them over to their enemies who treated them terribly,
but in their suffering they begged you for help from heaven You listened to their prayers because of your great mercy You sent leaders to rescue them.
Verse 28, But when they were at peace, you would turn against you, they would turn against you, and you would hand them over to their enemies. And they would beg for help, and because you were merciful, you rescued them over and over again. You warned them to turn back and discover true life, by obeying your laws.
But they stubbornly refused and continued to sin. For years you were patient, and your spirit warmed them with messages spoken by your prophets. They still refused to listen, and you handed them over to their enemy.
But you were merciful and kind, and so you never forgot them or let them be destroyed. Our God, you are powerful and fearsome and faithful and always true to your word. So please keep in mind the terrible suffering of your people, kings and leaders and priests and prophets from Assyria and ruled until the very day.
You've always been fair when you punished us for our sins. Our kings and leaders and priests and ancestors have never obeyed your commands or heeded your warnings. You bless them with a kingdom with abundance of rich and fertile land, but they refuse to worship you or turn from their evil. Now we are slaves in this fruitful land, so you gave to our ancestors.
It's plentiful in harvests taken by the kings and placed over because of our sins. Our suffering is unbearable because they do as they wish to us and our livestock. And so a firm agreement was made that the official approval of the leaders and the Levites and the priests. And it goes on to Nehemiah 10.
But do you see? God did all this wonderful and amazing things for his people. But when they had everything they wanted They turned from God
and their enemies took him over time and time again. God heard their cry And he saved them they turned their back on God again when times got comfortable And the enemies took over and he came and delivered him again after they cried out for help. Do you see? What has happened people got comfortable in their pews on church days on sundays and they heard a A good word that made him feel good
But was it the word that God needed you to hear for that day, to free you from that torment or that torture? Or was it just a filming good service that made you feel good while you were there and then you left and everything went back to normal? People stopped expecting the miracles because churches weren't teaching that God doesn't do them anymore.
When God says, He's the same. They weren't expecting His glory and His goodness. Some of them don't even expect answered prayers, they're just hope and wish.
And they turn to the world for answers.
It turned to the government for handouts. But what about God? What about God and what he says and what he does and what he wants for you? A lot of us, and I'm included when you are going through certain things, sometimes you're just trying to fix it on your own and you realize without knowing you left God out of the picture,
our country kicked him out of government. And we're wondering why our elections are being stolen and why our judicial system is a mess. And there are enemies everywhere we look, and they're destroying the very foundation and the very, the very reason why this country was ever founded. Was for the love of God and to be freely to serve him.
They're trying to tear that narrative and try to tear that truth apart and make you think this is not a Christian nation at all. And that's why they're terrorizing Christians and terrorizing the freedom of speech, even though it says in our, our Our all of our amendments, all of our Constitution, the first amendment It's freedom of speech.
They're tearing every single amendment apart, one by one, and people have just sat there and not done anything about it. But God is not there to protect it, and that's why it's been the way it's been. Look what happened. This is what happened in Samuel. Or, sorry yeah, Samuel. Go to 1 Samuel, at verse 8. In verse Samuel in verse 8.
We find Israel rejecting their God. That's what you're going to find in that chapter, or that scripture. The one who rescued them from slavery, provided them in the desert, and gave them victory over their enemies. Israel instead demanded a king who would judge them and go before them and fight their battles.
They wanted to do it the world's way. They wanted what the world had. I don't know why,
but that's what they did. They rejected. Listen to that. They rejected their God, the one who rescued them from slavery and provided for them in the desert and gave them victory over their enemy. And they were just saying, God, we don't need you anymore. We want a king. We took God out of our government. God, we don't want you there.
We want a president,
not a president to be led by God, just someone who looked good. Someone who acted very presidential and spoke well. And it looked like they had, you know, good policy,
but what we don't know, we don't know. We were lied to, we were deceived, that's why God said in Hosea 4. 6 is people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.
One of the biggest persecutions, well besides me being a woman, yeah, because people think God sexes for some reason, but one of the biggest persecutions is what I talk about. I talk about our government and I talk about politics and how God wants back in. Do you know why he wants back in? So we can win.
So we can have justice again. So we can have our freedoms back. That we are one nation under God. And if we're a one nation under God, then we're protected. We're blessed. We're free.
Let's see what we're left with when he's not there.
We're left with leaders who don't care about any of us. Or about, any about rule of law. They don't care about our constitution. They don't care about what our Declaration of Independence says. And what the rights of the people actually have. They want to shut you down from media. All social media if you don't say exactly what they want you to say.
And if you go across the grain and if you don't go what they What, what they want you to say, they, they shut you up.
The president of the United States was taking off all of his social media accounts. Why wasn't there any more of an uprising? Well, because of January 6th, Intimidated, and there's still high political prisoners today. It's sickening what these people have done to this country. But God had to allow it because we didn't want him in the government.
Some words are just not easy. Some teachings aren't easy.
In Exodus,
in Exodus 32
and verse 1,
Remember, you'll see that the children of Israel
turned their back against the Great I Am.
They saw all the plagues of Egypt. They saw everything that he did to show them how powerful he was. How amazing he was, how he was their deliverer. And he was answering the cry of his people.
He healed them. He set them free. He restored their wealth. Plus
once they were out of Egypt, he guided them by a cloud by day to keep them cool. He's so good. That when they were in the wilderness, he had a cloud to keep them so they weren't excruciatingly hot.
And then at night, because it gets cold in the desert, at night, he gave them a fire and he guided them in the right direction.
He gave them water from a rock, fresh manna from heaven, he gave them quail, he gave them everything they wanted.
They even saw, before all that, they saw the enemies die by the Red Sea, by God's hand.
And then they get to the Promised Land,
and they forget. They forget God. They forget what he did. And then after a while, when Moses is gone on that mountain, then they get hopeless, and they get irritated, and they get mad at Moses. And mad at God, again, and they make a golden image, and said this is the God that brought us out of Egypt.
God puts up with a lot.
He's merciful and he's long suffering.
But each time that his people did not deserve deliverance or freedom, he gave them to him anyway.
God is going to give us that freedom.
He's gonna bring back our nation to where it should be. He's gonna remove the people that shouldn't be there
because he loves us. And no matter how far we went down this road, and no matter what we allowed, we are seeing what we are left with, and people are now turning back to God like never before.
What Satan means for harm, God will turn it into something good.
We see a lot of this in In our nation and it's going in the wrong direction and we just you get overwhelmed. How are we so deceived? How did we leave such a lie?
How do some church leaders lead people in the wrong direction and they think that they're doing the right thing? Well, they're actually in the wrong.
That's why we need to pray. Because there are some people that are really, truly behind the pulpit thinking they're doing the right thing, but they're completely deceived.
God doesn't want to be in our government. God doesn't want to be in our justice system. He doesn't want to be in our schools. Why would anybody think that's logical? Why would anybody think that God wanted to be removed from any of those places? But what was hard was he said I was forced out
and nothing that was hit me really hard when I heard this prophetic word Like I said, it's not always
it's awesome to hear prophetic words from him It is it's truly a blessing, but you hear ones like this. It's hard
And your heart just aches for him because he's absolutely good and people turn their back on him. How do we make this right? How do we get our country back? How do we get our freedoms back? How do we get what God wants for us? People keep looking to one person or they keep looking to an election.
It's bigger than that.
It's bigger than that. We, we don't need an election to save our country. We need God. We need this country to pray again. We need this country to unite. We need the, the body of Christ all over the world to get on their knees and ask God to forgive them for being allowed to be kicked out of all these things that he was kicked out of.
We think by having a person in the seat of the president is our only answer and it's not. I love President Trump and I love his family. I love what they're doing for this country And I love how they fight no matter what kind of persecution they're getting. They're exactly what God needed. They're fighters But it can't just be them that fights.
It has to be us that fights along with them. It has to be us that stands and uses that sword of the spirit and says, I Am not going to back off. I'm not going to quit. And I'm going to fight alongside of him. And we're going to pray. For this country to turn completely back to God so that the church is awakened to realize that God needs to be invited back into all these places that he was forced out of.
I cannot wait to see the news articles written about this one.
They love to write articles, I'm just telling you. They love to write articles. But what they don't know, even the people who write those articles that watch all the time and they twist the words that God says, No matter the scathing things that they write, God has me pray for them because they don't know what they're doing and they don't know and they don't see the truth.
Our country doesn't need just President Trump.
Our country needs to have God back in it
because as you see, even with his first term. He was only allowed to do so much because you have a corrupt establishment that was there that limited what he could do. He did a lot. He did more than a lot of other presidents did,
but he was limited because God wasn't fully there.
We have to pray for this nation to fully turn back from God, to God, and not away from him.
It's very humbling when you hear words like this. Remember, God said in his word, He corrects whom he loves. When we're going down a path of destruction, whether we're going it down personally, or going it down as an entire nation, God's gonna correct. But I'm telling you, He's corrected me so many times,
and He has. But He corrects in love. He's not scolding. He doesn't talk down to you. He doesn't ridicule you. He doesn't judge you. He'll say, Julie, that's not the way you handle it. You got to do it this way instead of that way.
He corrects whom he loves. He's correcting our country. Remember he said, I think it was, I did it yesterday. I just, I pre recorded a couple other ones. So I did, I did one early this morning as well for Thursday. All of these you have to hear. These are all new and they're all words for today.
Don't not watch. Because it's pre recorded. I've heard people say that and it grieved my spirit because it grieved God. It's not about me, whether I'm sitting here alive with you or not. It's not about that. I'm just a person.
But you can hear the Word of God and what God has for you in every single one of those teachings or every single one of those revelations or every single one of those prophecies. It's about him. It's not about me. So when I see that, I would just cry sometimes going, They're missing it. God help them.
Show them. They should be looking to you.
It's not about views and it's not about likes.
That's nice, but what the, what means the most is that people hear what God has to say to them, and they receive it. That's what's important, and I don't care what's written about me and all their scathing, you know, news articles all over the place. They just don't know who I Am. It doesn't matter because God does.
But what's important to me is that as every person in this country and all around the world people turn to God
That's why you go through the hell that you go through just because you want to see people
All right I'll go back to a prophetic word again
first paragraph for I the Lord have seen my creation under attack My children under a great oppression and stress pressure sorrow anguish fear worry and anxiety I I have seen the constant torment and struggle. I've seen the burden your taskmasters and your nations and your government have subjected you to.
I have heard and seen all they have done to you. Now, before I go on, so he knows, and I just see, no, I don't read those articles. No, I don't. I just hear about them, but I don't read them. I don't read any of that stuff. Turn to psalm 34
because in this first paragraph God says I've seen the burden from your taskmasters and your nations And they subjected you to and I have heard and seen all that they have done to you He also says in his word and multiple different times That he says, I hear the cries of my people. So Psalm 34, and I know many of you are watching from all over the world.
And I know that many of you are praying for this country because this country goes, everyone goes, God's not going to let this country go, but this country has to wake up. And it has to turn back to God and allow God back in those places he was forced out of.
Psalm 34 in verse 4.
He hears and he delivers. That's what he does. He hears and he delivers. Verse 7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him in reverence and worship him with awe and each of them he delivers. See how many times in Psalm 34 they use the word deliver.
Jump down to verse 34 verse 17 When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of their distress, distress, and trouble. Verse 19. Many evils confront the consistently righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He delivers us out of it all. God delivers. I want you guys to repeat that.
God delivers. Does he use men and women to help him? Yes. But they can't do anything without God's power. David had a great revelation of that. No matter how many enemies that he had come against him, whether they were Lion, the Bear, Goliath, Saul, or any other army, David knew, in his strong foundation, that he could not do it alone.
By his own strength or intelligence. He knew he had to have God. It is time now that we have to know, that we know, that we know, we have to have God. A
lot of people think
God just didn't care about the last election. He had to allow it. People were giving too much attention to one man, and not him.
He also saw the darkness and the evil and the corruption that was laying dormant, that was underneath, where people couldn't see. Not dormant, but laying underneath where people couldn't see it. Hidden away in all the evil that was going on in dark places. And it kept growing and it kept growing in intensity without us being aware.
That's why he had to allow it. It wasn't for our destruction and it wasn't for our nation's destruction. It was for us to see the corruption. It was for us in an awakening to turn back to God, to see that we only need Him. He is our deliverer. He is the one that will set the captives free. He's the one.
And only Him will get credit.
He will do something so unprecedented that people will know it could only have been God.
Let's read more of the prophetic word. This is the second paragraph. I will not allow it to continue. I will not allow the ruling class. To stay in power and to keep you in their bondage. You may ask why lord was this allowed? Why lord is the world so dark? Why are these people being allowed to stay in power so long and to torture us like this?
People are getting mad and offended by god. I can feel it. You don't just hear words. There's emotions that come with it
But again, the first part of it says, I will not allow it to continue. Just as you see in the book of Exodus chapter 3. I'm gonna go back to that. Exodus 3 and 19. God saw. He didn't allow certain things to happen because he was even warning Abraham of his The generation after him, the generations after him were going to be enslaved by an enemy.
He warned of this in Genesis. Why? Because they were going to turn from God. And so, when God's people turn from him, what are they left with? If they don't have God in control of their nation and over them, they have an enemy.
Then he heard their cries, and he saw what was going on. Exodus 3 and 19. I know the king of Egypt will not let you go unless forced to do so. No, not by a mighty hand. God knew natural force and natural strength and ability was not going to have Pharaoh and his men let God's people go without death and destruction.
He knew only he could do it and he was telling moses to tell his people They can't get out of this mess. They can't get out of the slavery and bondage without my help God is telling us right now. We can't get out of this mess without his help We can't get out of this bondage and slavery and the torment and the torture without him Verse
20 so I will stretch out my hand and smite egypt with all my winners, which I will do it in and after He will let you go. We still serve that god We still serve the same god who did exactly this for his people who healed him who set him free Who restored the wealth unto them who gave them everything that they needed?
He protected them. He guided them He provided everything for them
verse 21 And I will let the people favor and have favor and respect in the sight of the egyptians And it shall be that when you go you shall not go empty handed You Verse 22, Every woman shall insistently solicit of her neighbor in her way that may residing at her house jewels and articles of silver and gold and garments, which you shall put on your sons and daughters, and you shall strip the Egyptians of belonging due to you.
There was a wealth transfer. That's another thing that people don't like to talk about.
I know people in the body of Christ who teach about what God wants his people to have. And they are persecuted, they are torn apart, and they are ridiculed. It looked like an evil person when they're exact opposite.
Don't believe everything you hear.
There is somebody who's one of my spiritual grandfathers, who's taught me the foundation of faith and the goodness of God and how he provides
and this person is just torn to shreds on a daily basis. One of those persecuted people in the body of Christ.
If you hate him, you hate me.
I've seen people just tear after God's people and it hurts because we're supposed to be united.
It hurts to get hurt by people in the body of Christ more than it is people like the world.
My children, may I remind you, this is what God's saying. He's been hurt by his own people. Even Jesus. Look at the Pharisees and the Sadducees. They hated him. His own people from his own synagogues rejected him, just absolutely rejected him.
My children may I remind you that I was the one that was allowed to be thrown out of government while my people stayed in silence. I was the one thrown out of schools while my people stayed silent. I was the one taken out of businesses while people stayed silent. I was allowed to be thrown out of many churches while my people continued to stay silent.
I was thrown out of your justice system. While my people stayed silent.
I had to allow certain things because I was no longer wanted Can you can you imagine how hard
that is to find that out that God wasn't wanted?
I was no longer welcomed
and these people I've I've seen some of the Religious leaders just go against what God's Word says I can't you know, you just pray for me because your heart's just like they're just like the Pharisees Just acting just as evil and and just as hateful.
This is a war On the body of Christ, I
mean, you know where it comes from, division comes from the enemy, uniting comes from God. He needs us all strong. He says, now you see what's left when I Am not there. So God is telling us, if he's not in and allowed in some of these places, Then what do we have left? I not want this for you. I not want to leave any of those places.
I was forced out. God didn't want to leave our government. He didn't want to leave the school. Just think of the perversion and the twisted and the confusion and the propaganda and the brainwashing that our children go through on a daily basis. Thank God, my children aren't in a public school. I mean, two of them are graduated already, but one still left in school.
They've been in private school for a long time because I was, I just couldn't, I saw what they were doing and I just was, I just could not, my heart just grieved. Children, the innocence of children being taken away. By the education system.
Cause when my people did nothing to stand and fight for me to stay there, where was a church when God was kicked out of school and prayer was, was stopped. And for most places, I know a lot of this, this country or this state that I'm in, you can't say the pledge of allegiance in public schools because it says under God, where's the outrage.
You know, you have a group of people that if they get any type of discrimination at all, they raise. Havoc, but we're discriminated against all the time this ministry. There's people in business that have turned us down accountants banks
Because of what we stand for and what we believe.
What do we do? We don't get, we don't get outraged in that way. It's a righteous nation and we pray. Because nobody should be discriminated against, but at the same time you can't have it one way and then think of it's gonna be another way.
The enemies can't have their cake and eat it too. It doesn't work.
They discriminate against us all the time. And not just us personally, I'm just talking about Christians in general. But yes, we're supposed to walk in love. That's one of the things we, we teach as in our ministry team, no matter where we go, no matter who we're dealing with, whether they're nasty to us or not, we have to walk in love.
There is a time to walk in love, but there's also time for righteous indignation, and to ask God and pray out for justice.
And this is that time. Children of Almighty God, we have to cry out to God for justice.
And destroy the power of the evil and the wicked and the scrimmatory and all of these things that are going on in our country to destroy the foundation of our nation and of who we are as people.
Look what God says though. When my people do nothing to stand and fight for me to stay there. We get to stand and fight for God to be back in those places of power. To be black in those seats. To be back in those places where we want him to be. Where we want goodness. And we want justice. And we want freedom.
To be in control. Not what we see now. I've heard the cries of my people now, and I will deliver you. Do we deserve to be delivered? No. But neither do they. In all the Bible, all the places they turn their back on God, they didn't deserve it. That didn't stop God. That didn't stop His goodness. That didn't stop His love for them.
No matter how many times, like, my children mess up, I still love them, and I'm still there for them. And I would still help them and get them out of any situation. Any good parent would.
God is delivering us. I will answer your prayers. I will destroy your enemy's power and remove them in this hour. What do we expect God to do? He is going to move. It just may not be how we thought. It may not have been when we thought. I mean, if you would have asked me, I would have said a long time ago.
That's what I thought. Even though it wasn't, I didn't care. Every day, I always wake up and I expect God to move. Because He is. And I've seen him do so many awesome things for people. He says, Now you know, now you believe and understand my words and how to use my authority that I have given to you. So he had to allow certain things to happen in order for us to understand and know God's word and his authority.
You have been awakened to see the truth and how many were deceived into believing their twisted way of thinking. How your enemies tricked so many into believing I didn't belong in those places. Or that I did not want or care about politics or government.
He's letting us know that he cares about the rule of law. He's letting us know that he wants to be by our leaders. He wants to have the leaders that he has picked to be used by him. Can you imagine if you had a whole bunch of people in our government, senators, congressmen, and women, people in our judicial system, all the DOJ, the, you know, the, the, the Supreme court.
Can you imagine if they were all born again?
Children of God, being used by God, on fire for God. Can you imagine if those people were in this country leading? Do
you know how much revival we could have in this country? If good is in there, God is in there. If God is in there, there's justice and there's freedom. We need to bring them back.
Do you see how your enemies got into churches and my children believe those doctrines instead of reading and believing my own word and what I had said? There are so many different different types of, you know, congregations. And groups of people in churches that believe in certain things that God is and he's not at all.
I've talked to people who are fully convinced that he won't heal anymore.
I talked to people who are fully convinced all those miracles that he did were just for the beginning of the church. Because they don't know him as Jehovah Rapha. That's his name. That's who he is.
They don't believe that he's going to intervene on your life and whatever happens, happens. That's not true at all. He's a deliverer. And he cares what happens to you. He cares what happens to your nation. He's your father. Any good parent would care what happened to you.
He's a provider. They don't want to hear about that. All they want to hear is poverty and lack. That's not what God said in his word at all. He's Jehovah Jireh. He's our provider. If you notice he provided in the wilderness and they didn't lack anything. But if you talk about money at all, you talk about prosperity at all, you talk about God meeting your needs at all, you get torn to shreds.
Where do you think that comes from? That's not from God.
It's not from God.
Do you see how your enemies have gotten to your churches? And my children believe those doctrines instead of reading and believing my own word and what I said. It's important to not take anybody's word for it. It's important to get in the word of God and see what God says.
It may be dark and it may be very uncomfortable. And I know many have suffered at the hands of these governments and world leaders. That's why there had to be an awakening. There had to be a shaking. There had to be a desperation in some. So they would turn to look to me. When people were uncomfortable, or when people were comfortable in living life how they wanted to live, they didn't pray or call upon me like before.
That was hard to hear that. Because when people are comfortable, they're high on that mountain, they don't always turn to God.
But when everything is going wrong, then they turn to God. We should turn to God whether everything is going right or everything is going wrong. We should acknowledge Him on a daily basis. He goes wherever we go. He's Emmanuel. He's God among us. He's God with us. He's a greater one living on the inside of us.
But we don't acknowledge him on a daily basis.
So this time your adversaries sneak in and he steals, he kills and destroys my people, my lands, when they are not seeking after me for deliverance or truth. That's why so many bad things happen. Because people weren't seeking out God for deliverance and truth.
Not enough. Do you see how and why things are bad? Why the enemies were in power? And how they were allowed to be in those positions? And how they did so much damage? If I Am not there, in any of these places of power, then your enemy is there. And there's no other choice.
You have God, or you have Satan, that's it.
There's nothing in between. It's either good or evil. It's for God's control, or he's not. You can't have it both ways. If God is not in those places of power, then the enemy is there. And when the enemy is in power, the people mourn.
That's why there's so much mourning going on all over the world. I've heard your prayers to bring them out, to bring my glory and my presence back in. I've heard your prayers wanting freedom and restoration from all that your enemy has done, and so on from you. God's heard our prayer.
I will show you great removals and great restoration. I Am moving my hand and I'm healing your land Don't quit now and don't give in don't be moved by what they try next Their days of being in power and control are over Says the Lord of hosts.
That was hard knowing how God was treated. Sometimes he's treated like that when we're not even, like, even realizing that we're doing it to him.
But he's heard the cries of his people all over the world.
So I want to have you pray with me,
to ask God to forgive this country,
and our leaders, and the churches, and anybody else. That stayed silent while he was being forced out and let's welcome him back in Let's call upon that glory to be seen upon the earth heavenly father right now in jesus name father god We thank you for your insight and revelation knowledge. We thank you for Allowing us to know what had been done and father god.
We ask you to forgive our country Forgive some of the leaders in the body of christ forgive our nations father god for staying silent You And allowing you to be removed and forcing you out because you are no longer welcome father god We welcome you back in To our governments and the seat of the president.
We welcome you back in father god to all the capital We welcome you back in father god To our justice system. We welcome you back into our schools. We welcome you back into the corporate world, to a corporate America. We welcome you in to our daily lives. Father God, we thank you that you are faithful.
God, you are merciful. God, you are a long suffering. We thank you for forgiving us father, for not fighting harder for you
and fighting harder for you to be in our nations. We thank you that this is a pivotal moment in our country. In the countries around the world a pivotal moment where you are turning the tables You are you are overthrowing our enemies You're banishing evicting and we completely removing them from where they are We thank you father god that no weapon formed against us shall prosper whether it's the church Whether it's our our governments.
We thank you that no weapon formed against us shall prosper No law that they try to twist and turn around against us You
Father God, we thank you that no matter what the enemies try, they will fail. No matter what's about to take place in our country, it won't work. Because you are here, and you are delivering us out of it all. And we thank you, Father God, for the protection of each and every person you've chosen in the seats of power.
That they will answer that call. Give them boldness like a lion! To fight for you. Give us all boldness, Father God, to stand and to not quit and give in, no matter what it looks like. I thank you, Father God, that they have a newfound boldness in using your authority, in using your words, and standing up against tyranny, standing up against injustice, standing up against these taskmasters and oppressors.
That have been all across the nations all around the world. Father God, we thank you that this is our time. This is a time of glory. This is the time of revival. This is time for you to be front and center and for you to be seen who you really are and not a version of you. And we thank you that you're going to do something that no eye has ever seen.
And no ears ever heard. And we thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen. And amen. I want to remind you again, tomorrow I will be on with pastor David 11 o'clock. I will come out of that prayer. I'm in the area about 25 miles or so away. I am going to come back to do that. Okay. I know in my heart, I need to, so I got ahold of pastor Dave and his team and his glory, and I said, I have, the Lord wants me to do this.
I don't usually typically do this. There's something must be going on to get me out to bring me back in and do that show This is not a a typical time or a typical live show. I know that I can feel it in my spirit so be watching I take five tomorrow with me at 11 o'clock and pastor dave Okay, I will be on I have pre recorded videos for you.
Please watch them This is not about me sitting in this chair or me not being in this chair. These words are specifically for you to hear specific instructions and there's revelation knowledge in these words. I just recorded Tuesdays this morning. I recorded Wednesdays or Thursdays this morning and Wednesdays yesterday and we will have tomorrow's take five.
We will rebroadcast that for Friday so you'll be able to see it for those who don't. Are not able to tomorrow, but until then remember that God's got it and no matter what we've none of us This country has done. God has not turned our back on us He's not turned his back on us and we are having our freedoms back and we are having this nation filled with God's glory God's presence his power and his goodness And everything is going to be okay, especially in the house of the lord So I hope to encourage you today And again, if you want make america pray again If you want any of that merchandise to go to threesonstreads.
com. I know all that merchandise will be back in stock tomorrow so wednesday is what I was told and then of course if you have any prayer requests or praise reports We're going into our you know prayer retreat with the prayer team But we'll be praying for you. Just know that we're praying for you.
We're praying for our nations We're praying for everybody around the world and what god has in his assignment and his plan So hope it's encouraged today Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone You know who needs to hear an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free God loves you.
I love you and god bless you and have a wonderful day
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