Harry Wait Affidavit and Instructing his Government

7 months ago

Harry Wait Affidavit to Gov Trustees (Assembling by Right for the Common Good) This video was made on Feb 11, 2024. After Harry gave the blessing and felt it necessary to tell the people, I shared this on July 5, 2024. This document shows that when you swear to your private rights you can block unlawful gov actions by challenging jurisdiction. Please understand that the information in this document was created 5.5 months before the U.S. Supreme Court came out with opinions to the cases: SEC v Jarkesy, Loperbright v Raimondo, and Trump v United States. In those cases the opinions affirmed the law with regards to; Courts of Record, Trial by Jury, Impartial Judges, Common Law, Due Process, Rules of Evidence, The People are Sovereign, and No Immunity for officials when acting outside of the grants of authority listed in the Constitutions. Again these concepts were publicly declared by SCOTUS Five and a half months "after the creation" and service of this affidavit to all parties listed. Harry has the law and people on his side. All Credit to God, and my small fry teacher Dave Jose. @davecaresforyou on Rumble and @realdavecares4u on X/Twitter @Davecaresforyou on T-Social - If you like this information please share far and wide! You can follow me @clintkieler on X/Twitter
Affidavit Document https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sqkunbnyjilyrrwu8dr8g/Harry-Wait-Affidavit.docx?rlkey=h1ygq6fuk88l35qemuw1o6he6&st=gh4etso3&dl=0

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