Int 815 with Jake Jackson a US Army veteran teaching natural Law

7 months ago

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Jake Jackson is a US Army veteran who served honorably from 1985-1989 in the Presidential Honor Guard in Washington, DC, and was also a member and soloist of the illustrious US Army Drill team. He realized over 35 years ago that there was something just not quite right about government, but it would take another 2 decades to fully awaken to the nature of our reality.

In 1998, Jake exited the Matrix after 5 years in the corporate world, unaware of how the System operated, but knowing it didn’t resonate with his purpose in life. Then, in late April of 2007, he fully awakened to the Matrix after watching Aaron Russo’s, “America: Freedom to Fascism,” and has been working every single day since then, to not only understand the root of our problems, but the very Achilles heel of our common enemy. And that is our sheer numbers, once unified, to create a breakaway civilization that will restore ALL power and sovereignty BACK to the individual, where it inherently belongs; thus starving the predator class of any and all illegitimate power over our lives. His prolific work is a blueprint and roadmap of how We, The People UNITE and take back our power peacefully and without a single act of violence. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for our entire lives.

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