SWEEPING THE WHITEHOUSE / Guardians + Preservation = #Invincible /#Gameplay of #Division2 #TomClancy

6 months ago

Happy 4th to American friends! Using the overpowered Guardians buff, a simple SMG with only Preservation makes our character super tanky. In this video, we're clearing two Control Points (The Vault and Ellipse Fuel Depot) and the mission Jefferson Trade Center.

We switch weapons from Sleipnir to CMMG Banshee midway through the project.

Build Breakdown:

Main Weapon: Sleipnir switched to St. Elmo's Engine (with CHC 3rd Attribute)
Secondary Weapon: St. Elmo's Engine (with CHC 3rd Attribute) switched CMMG Banshee (DTOOC 3rd Attribute)
Pistol: 93R

Mask: Coyote's Mask (Blue Core)
Chest: Striker's Battlegear (CHD)(CHD) (Blue Core)
Holster: Striker's Battlegear (CHD) (Blue Core)
Backpack: Striker's Battlegear (CHD)(CHD) (Blue Core)
Gloves: Eagle's Grasp (CHD) (Blue Core)
Kneepads: Striker's Battlegear (CHD)(Blue Core)

Crusader Shield
Revive Hive

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