NEW Fat Burning Extract from Hops Plant Released!

8 months ago
A new 100% natural plant extract that helps burn visceral fat. Adaphyte™ works by increasing the human body’s thermogenic response to fat-burning by activating Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT). This all-natural extract is colorless and tasteless, and works in ANY liquid, even adult beverages (beverages containing alcohol content).

This product comes in small single dose packets which go into any liquid or beverage and last for 8+ hours.

This product was introduced in the 1950's but due to the high cost of extraction it was removed and stopped production. This product has just been released in July in 2024 after 5 years of clinical trials and is now available for sale and for distribution.

Order this amazing fat burning extract and learn more in the video

Phone: (804) 495-0770

#fatburn #naturalfatburn #fatburningsupplement #hopsburnsfat

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