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Prophet Julie Green -Your Enemies Are Being Banished and Evicted from Their Seats of Power-Captions
God is sending a message to his children, urging them to choose the path of truth and righteousness as the world faces a war between good and evil. He warns of a great separation, where the honest will be separated from the liars, and the humble from the proud. God also speaks about the turmoil in Israel, promising to protect his land and people from their enemies. He warns of a shocking revelation coming out of Florida and promises that those who oppose him and his chosen people will face great regret and downfall. He declares that the time has come for the banishment and eviction of the enemies from their seats of power, as their ruling and reigning comes to an end.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Today’s Scriptures:
1 John 4:4
Deut. 30:19
Ex. 32:26-35
Ex. 33:12-19
Ex. 34:10
Isa. 5:20
Num. 13:30-33
Num. 14:1-4
2 Cor. 5:7
Josh. 6:1-3
Rom. 10:8-9
2 Cor. 2:14
John 17:13-17
Prov. 3:5-6
Ps. 23:4
Isa. 54:17
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COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International
Good morning, everybody. Today is a Monday, June 24th of 2024. I really hope each and every one of you had an amazing. Weekend. I was spending a lot of time with the Lord this morning. I was up extra early this morning Doing some pre records. I actually started pre recording around 4 like 4 15 4 30 something like that this morning For Wednesday's show and I'm telling you do not in any way Miss Wednesday show i'll make sure the team has it live stream for you Wednesday thursday friday, even though I will not be here.
The lord is bringing my team and myself back out into a prayer into a prayer retreat and so that is exactly our assignment because there are things going on there's Assignments that we have to do to pray over this nation to pray over the body of christ and to pray What is going on? Around the world today.
So we are going out into prayer. I'll be leaving at some point tomorrow to join the team. And so I just want, you know, I had just recorded at four, like I said, four or something this morning, one of the most powerful, I was hard for me to get through it. There was a lot of tears, but there was a lot of revelation into that prophetic word of what we are seeing today, why we are seeing it.
And what we have to do about it and some things that we were about to hear some things that we were about to see It's not gonna be easy to see and they will not be easy to hear but God has Prepared us for this time God has prepared each and every one of us in the body of Christ To fight this good fight of faith and remember that good fight of faith that we are fighting Is a fight that we are going to win.
We are in a battle We are in a war of good versus evil, which I will give you that prophetic word today But I will tell you something's been stirring up in my spirit before I gone on this morning Is that we have to get out? Of our schedules we have to get out of the mundane things in our lives on a daily basis our routines Because god is going to start shaking things up shaking things up We need to be watchful.
We need to be prepared about the things that are going to happen They are going to be for our freedoms. They're going to be for our restoration as a nation They're going to be for restoration as the body of christ Comes together in God's power and God's glory. This is a time I'm telling you he keeps saying this over and over again.
This is a time to really press in To your prayer closets really press in to God really press in and get his Wisdom on exactly what he needs you to do on a daily basis Because attacks have been coming to the body of Christ and coming to our nation and we have to be on guard because God doesn't want you to be caught out on left field.
He doesn't want you to be caught off guard. He wants you to know as you have a see attacks or you see things are going on. He wants you to know exactly what's going on. How to deal with them. And sometimes you may get swept off your feet. I know there's times where I have been even recently where there's attack after attack, or there's persecution after persecution, there's things going on.
And sometimes you fall down and that was me. You know, sometimes I can easily just get discouraged with certain things because there's things going on all over social media and that's not who you are, but people think that's who you are. And then you have articles written about you. That's a complete lie.
And they twist and turn your words around and say, saying something you didn't say, but God, no matter how discouraged we can get, no matter how much persecution we go through, no matter how many possible situations, That we are facing. God will always turn it around, even though when we are weak, remember, He is strong.
It's not our strength. It's not our wisdom and knowledge and understanding. We're not supposed to trust and rely on ourselves. We're supposed to trust and rely on Almighty God. When we have, our enemy knows our weaknesses. He does. But we also should know His. His weakness is the name of Jesus. His weakness is the blood of Jesus that has already destroyed Him.
His weakness is the power of that blood covenant that we have that was given to us because of what Jesus has done for us and we have to know that authority. We have to know our authority over our adversary. Remember, our enemy is a loser. He has been a loser. He will forever be in eternity a loser because he's already been defeated.
He knows your weakness, but now it is time to know your enemy's weakness. It's time to know his strategies and it's time to destroy them. It is time for us to know that we know that we have the greater one on the inside of us than he that's in the world. It is time to take back our freedoms. It's time to take back our nation.
It's time to take back our children and our families. It's time to take back the society as a whole from what they've done to tarnish it. And what they've done is to try to destroy it. It is our time as a body of Christ to start taking things back to where it belongs in the hands of the children of almighty God.
And that's what we've seen the last few years. We've seen, this has been preparation time to prepare us for what we are about to see. To prepare us for that intensity, to prepare us for this battle and this war that has been raging on between good versus evil. This is not against people. Satan uses people just as God uses people.
But I'm telling you, this is between good and evil. This is not between just people. And this is not between just a Democratic Party or the Republican Party. It's what it looks like, but it's not. God is not just on the side of a political party. He's on the side of life. He's on the side of freedom. He's on the side of truth.
God will pick that side every single time. And that's why we as a body of Christ have to choose. And that is what this prophetic word is about today. I'm telling you this week, don't miss a day. No matter if I'm here sitting in the seat. With you or not, I will make sure that they are live streamed for you.
But these things, you have to hear. I just, I, I can't emphasize that enough. You have to hear these words. They are not just any words. They are God's words, specific to each day. Things are, these times is getting short. And what we have to do, is we have to make God a priority. And it's not me. It's his words.
It's his will. It's his revelation to you on a daily basis to prep you, to prepare you for what's about to come. Now again, there is nothing, nothing a child of God should fear about any of this at all. We're not supposed to fear these things. Why do you think that God is preparing our hearts? He's given us the strength.
He's giving us all of these wisdom, the knowledge, understanding. He's giving us an insight of what's going to take place. None of that was to make you fearful. All of that was to prepare you to receive what God has for you. So I want to go over this word today. I'm also going to pray for people's strength because it's hard.
You know, yesterday was one of those days where, you know, I had to encourage myself in the Lord because of certain things that has happened. But each and every time, even though you do, and I'm telling you so many people, and that's why I'm real with you. Not only do I encourage, my assignment is to encourage each and every one of you and give you the word of God.
There's times where I have to set aside time with the Lord because I have to encourage myself of the attacks of what I've gone through. Some days being in this assignment It's not easy. Some people think it is, but it's not. It's definitely not for the faint of heart, I'll tell you. When God gives you an assignment to do, there is rough times ahead that you have to navigate through.
But no matter the storm, no matter how hard it hits you, God is always there to bring that calm inside of that storm. And he's always there to destroy the enemy. And it's like, no matter how many times I've ever gotten knocked back down, and when I've gotten up again, I was stronger than when I was knocked down.
That. Is what God has for each and every one of you. It's not how many times that you get knocked down that counts. It's how many times you get back up again. That is what counts. So I want to read this prophetic word. And again, the reason why some people have tough days, it's always the darkest before the dawning.
There'll always be breakthroughs, but Satan is trying to get you to stop receiving those breakthroughs. He's trying to stop it, and that's why some days are harder than others. But if I'm telling you, if you're trusting, relying, and leaning on God to get you through it, I promise you, he will never disappoint you.
All right, now this prophetic word is called, now this is from the 20th, June 20th. This is called, your enemies are being banished and evicted from their seats of power. Your enemies are being banished and evicted from their seats of power, and I heard this on June 20th.
My children, many are at a crossroads right now, needing to choose the direction they are going. In the right direction, or choosing the wrong one. There nothing in-between
Where the world is at right now in time is a war between good and evil. Things are colliding and good will win no matter what it appears like right now. Many in the body of Christ need to choose a direction of the world or the direction of my words. The choice* has* to be made.
Many leaders are at the same place, where they will continue to do it man's way, political way, or my way. Choices *must* be made in this time. This is a time of decision.
Abrupt changes are being made and my children, the time I have warned you of:* the great separation* is upon you now. I'm showing the world who is on my side And who isn't? The shaking is going to intensify. To show who the real bad apples are in the churches, in politics, in business, and in the entertainment industry.
I Am separating the good from the bad, the liars from the honest. I Am separating the proud from the humble.
The time has come. It is where things will become uncomfortable for some and freeing for others. My children, the time has come, so choose which side you're on. Pick the side of truth, and you'll be glad you did, says the Lord.
Amherst, this name will be in your news for a significant reason. An ambush will be in your news for a shocking reason reason.
The turmoil you are seeing in the land of Israel. Woe to their enemies who have infiltrated this nation. I will show you the traitors in this government going after Netanyahu. Their coup will not work. He was placed there by me. All the enemies of my land, your next attacks and your next moves will fail.
You will not have my Israel It's mine, and it's not yours to have. I'm the protector of that land, and of my people. You will not have the war you wanted. Your next moves against my people, you will regret.
I will expose who paid you, and who helped you plan these attempts to overthrow my land, and my chosen son, who is in charge of it. Do you hear me, *Washington*? You will not have what you planned. Or what you paid for. Israel is my nation, not yours to decide who gets it or who can rule over it. You don't have that kind of power, so back off.
If you don't, judgment will hit you even harder. And more shame and embarrassment will come upon you. Israel is mine, and any enemy who tries to destroy it will be destroyed. Saith the Lord of Hosts.
Something explosive is about to come out of Florida. Get ready, this nation is about to change in a big way.
Washington DC is in for a big surprise. What they thought they could pull off, they will see they can't. What they thought they had control of, they don't. Great changes, shocking evidence, explosive proof is coming to tear apart the old guard and the establishment I promise you my children these so called giants with their foundations and their establishment are being banished and evicted from their seats of power.
You will see no one fights against me and my chosen people and wins.
Great regret is about to come upon your enemies. Everything they have done to you will be done unto them in a greater measure. The harvest time has come and their fall is here and the time of their ruling and reigning has come to their end. Their expiration date says _*expired*_. So, my children, hold on and brace for these violent shakings that will take place to finish off your enemies in My nations, saith The Lord your Redeemer.
So again, what he's saying here is that we have a choice to make, and I want you guys to turn to one of the things is Deuteronomy 30,
Deuteronomy 30 and verse 19, I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death. The blessing and the curses therefore choose life that you and your descendants may live So god has always wanted us to have a choice He wants us to choose life which we have the ability to choose or we can choose death He wants us to choose blessing or he wants us to choose the curse again.
It's our choice. We're not robots We're not made to make decisions upon somebody else's will. That's why God has given us a free will. We can make our own choices, whether they're right or wrong. We can make good decisions. Oh, we can make bad ones again. We are left. God is saying to us, we are free moral agents.
God has assignments for each and every person, whether we go by them and obey them or we don't, but we have a choice to make. We've always had a choice. Now I want to go over some more scriptures. Because again, this is between good versus evil. This is not between Democrats and Republicans. This is not a political party issue.
This is a spiritual one. Turn to Exodus chapter 32.
Exodus chapter 32. I'm gonna read a couple different places in Exodus here. Exodus 32 and verse 26. This is after Moses Had gotten the Ten Commandments, was on Mount Sinai for like 40 days. And so everybody thought he was dead. And so then they built this golden calf because they wanted a God they could see, they could worship.
So again, they forgot about all the things that God had done already for them. They forgot the Exodus itself and everything that led up to that Exodus with all the plagues. Then they somehow forgot the Red Sea and then somehow they forgot every other thing that God had done for them. So then all of a sudden they were acting like fools.
They wanted to build this golden calf because they wanted to see their God. All of a sudden they were hopelessness and despair. So then they turned to wickedness when things looked like it was hopeless. Somehow they were thinking wickedness was their way out. And it actually was their way in even deeper.
They were making and going in the wrong direction. Exodus 32 and verse 26.
Let them come to me, and all the Levites, the priestly tribe, gather together to him. Verse 27, And he said to them, Thus says the Lord God of Israel, Every man put his sword on his side and go in and out from the gate to the gate throughout the camp. And slay every man and his brother, and every man and his companion, and every man and his neighbor.
And the sons of Levi did according to the word of Moses. And there fell the men that day, about three thousand men. And Moses said to Levi, spy your obedience to God. Command you, you have consecrated the day to the Lord. He may bestow upon you a blessing this day. For every man has opposed his son and his brother.
So some people had to make a hard decision to go against family. They make a hard decision to choose right, or to choose wrong, to choose family, or to choose God. And because they chose God, He was going to give them an even greater blessing. And so you could also see, it says in the Amplified Version, that the Lord may restore and bestow His blessing upon you this day.
Restore the blessing. When we turn to Wicked, The blessing is removed. It doesn't work. I mean, the blessing is on us. It just doesn't work. Just like electricity. You can have electricity in your house, but unless you flip a switch, you're not going to be able to enjoy that light. Or you have a thermostat, but you don't turn the thermostat on for air conditioning right now.
I've already thinking of air conditioning because of how hot it's been. Or you think of heat in the wintertime when it gets super cold. But you can't enjoy that thermostat unless you turn it on. It's there, but it's not working for you. The blessing is upon God's people. And until you turn it on, tap into it, trust in it, rely on it, and trust and rely on God, despite what things look like, you're not going to be able to have the benefits of that blessing working for you.
Look, it says in verse 30, Exodus 32 and verse 30, The next day Moses said to the people you have sinned a great sin and now I will go up to the Lord Perhaps I will make an atonement for your sin verse 31 So Moses returned to the Lord and said all these people have sinned a great sin They have that made themselves gods of gold verse 32 yet Now if you will forgive their sin, and if not blot me I pray out of your book What's what you have written?
Verse 33. But the Lord said to Moses, whoever has sinned against me, I will blot them out, not you. Out of my book verse 34 But now go and lead the people in the place of which I have told you behold My angels shall go before you nevertheless in the day, which I have punished. I will visit their sin upon them Verse 35 the lord sent a plague upon the people because they made the calf which Aaron fashioned for them So there were people that endured punishment Because they turned against God, seeing all of his mighty wonders, seeing all the things they did, and they still chose the way of Egypt.
They still chose that old way. They still chose the old thing. They still chose not to believe and trust in God. So we have a choice right now, to believe and trust in God, or to believe our circumstances. Again, they were filled, that were in that wilderness. They didn't have their leader. They couldn't hear from Moses.
They couldn't get the direction. And for somehow they didn't have Moses and they didn't have his direction. All of a sudden it was just the end. The world has ended and we're just gonna die. And they were mad. And so they just said, well, we're gonna die. We're miles is going. And sin And that's how some of, a lot of God's people have been.
And the world has been, it's hopeless. It's it's dark. Who cares? There's no point. There's always a point. There's always a point to fight. There's always a point to choose right from wrong. Let's go to Exodus 33 and verse 12. Now, look at how amazing God is. Even after all of that, he could have just taken his hand off. He could have just turned his back to them. But look at how amazing God is, no matter how bad they got. Exodus 12. Moses said to the Lord, See, you say to me, bring up this people, but you have not let me know whom you will send with me.
Yet you said, I know by my name, you have also found favor in my sight. So Moses was saying, look, who is going to go with me? Who is going to go with me and your people into this land? And look what God says, how he answers. Now, therefore, I pray. This is still Moses saying and praying. Therefore, I say, if I found favor in your sight, show me your way, that I may know you progressively become more deeply, intimately acquainted with you, and perceiving and recognizing and understanding more strongly and clearly, that I may find favor in your sight, and the Lord do consider this nation is your people.
So he was pleading on the behalf of the Israelites. Verse 14, and the Lord said, my presence shall go with you and I will give you rest. So even in the unknown, they didn't know what all they had to go through to get to that promise land. But no matter what they were going to go through, God says, my presence will be with you and I will give you rest.
Now we have a better covenant than they did. If God's presence was with them in times of trouble. Why would God's presence not be with us in times of trouble? If God gave them rest, why would he not give us rest? So he's telling us that things are going to violently shake. Now that for people would freak them out.
But God's saying, even though this shaking is coming, it's not for your defeat. It's not for you to panic. It's not for you to get in fear. It's not for you to worry. It's not for you to start to start saying, Oh my gosh, I'm just going to give up and quit. God's saying, no, this is when you dig in. This is when you press in.
This is when you go more to God. This is when you choose a side of good. This is when you choose a side of truth. And you choose to believe God more than anything that you see, and more than anything that's going on in the world. This is a pivotal time in history. Where God's people need to be that light, that strength for the world.
You say, how can I be strong for someone else if I can't even be strong for myself? I promise you, you ask for it, He'll give it to you.
Look what it says if you jump down to verse Jump down to verse 18. And Moses said, I beseech you, show me your glory. He's asking God to show him his glory. Now remember his glory is his presence, his power, and his goodness. Verse 19. And God said, I will make all my goodness pass before you. I'll proclaim my name, the Lord, before you. For I'll be gracious to whom I will be gracious and show mercy and loving kindness on whom I will show mercy and kindness.
And so of course you read on and he did pass before Moses, but Moses could not see his face. So he saw his backside. Also want you to read Exodus 34 in verse 10, Exodus 34 in verse 10 and it says, and he said, behold, I make a covenant before all of your people. I will do marvels such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation and all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the Lord. For it is awesome thing that I will do for you.
So he was telling them, I'm going to do the unprecedented. I'm going to do the unconventional because right here, again, he says in Exodus 34 and 10, he's saying, and he said, behold, I'll make a covenant before all your people. I will do marvels, such as have not been done in all the earth. So no one's ever seen it before.
No one's ever experienced it before. And God's saying, that's where we are at, where he's going to do marvels, things that he's never done before. Because he keeps his covenant with his people.
So such as has not ever done on earth. Sorry I will do marvels such as not been done on earth in all the earth nor in any nation all the people among whom you are Shall see the work of the Lord for it is awesome thing, which I will do for you It's an awesome thing which God is doing for us God doing an awesome thing.
Now, let's read in there's a lot of scriptures here.
Isaiah 5 verse 20.
Isaiah 5 verse 20. You see when, again,
prophecy is in part. Don't try to reason it. Don't try to understand it naturally and put natural like, and that's what the world does. That's why the world can take these prophetic words and say, well, they, and they just, you know, shoo them away and say they're all false and none of them come to pass, which is insane because they're coming to pass all the time and there's proof of it, but they will twist those words.
But the thing is, we have to ask God for that understanding. That's the reason why he gives specific scriptures each and every day and he gives a revelation and teaching regarding the prophetic word. So you don't want to just hear the word and nothing else. You want to hear the word, you want to hear the scriptures, and then you want to hear the revelation that God is giving, so it's all more in that bigger part.
Isaiah 5 and verse 20, and it says, Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light. And light for darkness who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. We can see in this last days, good is being portrayed as evil and evil is being portrayed as good. We can see that. We can see it in every aspect of our society.
Please don't miss Wednesdays. Is regarding what they're trying to do with collapsing society as a whole.
What they have done and what they were planning to do. Watch it. I pre recorded it early, early this morning for those who just have joined and didn't hear it earlier. It was a hard prophecy to get through, but it has to be said it has to be heard
Let's go to what numbers for numbers 13 go to numbers 13 again Here's God's people having to make another choice
Numbers 13 in verse 30 Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said let us go up at once Possess it We are well able to conquer it. That was the good news. And that was the direction. That God's people were supposed to take. So they were in the wilderness, and they were at a crossroads. We're gonna believe what Joshua and Caleb are saying.
We are well able to possess it. Well, there was giants in the land everywhere. It looked like they couldn't go in there. If they did go in there, they'd die. So they had a decision to make. Am I gonna believe what I see? Or am I gonna believe the Almighty? They had to make this decision and they made the wrong one.
Verse 31. But his fellow scouts said, we are not able to go up against the people of Canaan for they are stronger than we are. So you have the good report of Joshua and Caleb, which was the truth. And then you had over here, the bad report, which was a lie. God's people had to choose. Are we going to go by what God said, even though there's giants in the land, they could kill us, or do we go by what they said, and say, you know what, we can't do this, we can't go there, we have to stop, because the giants are going to kill us, and we're not going to go, we're not going to take it over, we'll just stay here in the wilderness so we can live.
They had those choices to make.
Verse 32, So they brought the Israelites an evil report. Again, an evil report goes against God. A good report goes with God. So there's good versus evil. Right now, you have people that are giving you, like myself, giving you hope, giving you encouragement, giving you the will of God, giving you the purpose of God, and what He's going to do.
And then you have people that are saying doom and gloom that everything is going to go, you know, to hell in a handbasket and there's nothing you can do. There's hopelessness and despair. There's nothing you can do about it. You might as well give in and quit. What report do you believe? Do you believe that the enemies are in control?
The ones that look like they're in control of our nation? Or do you believe that God's one who has control? That he is a judge over all the earth and he can take down one and we can move another one. It's God's choice, not the enemy's.
Numbers 30 13 and verse 32. So they brought the Israelites an evil report of the land, which they had scouted out, saying the land, though that we spit, spied it out, is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people that they saw, and the great men of great stature. So they were the Nephilim, they were the giants.
Verse 33, they saw the Nephilim, or the giants, the sons of Anak, Who come from the giants and we were in our own site as grasshoppers. So we were in their site. So their enemies, the giants look like they were bigger and had more power. And then they were going to defeat them. Just like it looks like right now God says we have giants in our own lands and it looks like they're bigger It looks like they have all the law on their side It looks like I have all the finances on their side and everything they have is on their side And it looks like they were going to take us over when that's not what God said at all.
We are Well able to conquer it And we will. That is our report. That is a report from Almighty God. That is what He wants you to receive and that is what He wants you to believe. We are well able to conquer it. And of course, you know the story it continues on in Numbers 14. The congregation cried out with a loud voice and they wept that night.
They were in despair. They believed the evil report. They saw God do all these wonderful things for them, but they still chose to believe what they saw and how things appeared to be. God keeps telling us, Don't go by how things appear to be going. Don't go by sight. You walk by faith.
Verse 2, Numbers 14, verse 2, And all the Israelites grumbled and implored their situation, accusing Moses and Aaron, to whom God had spoken. The congregation said, Why would we not have died in Egypt, or that we would have died in the wilderness? Verse 3, Why does the Lord bring us to this land to fall by the sword?
Our wives and our little ones be prey. Is it better for us to return to Egypt? They want to go back into slavery. They turned on God. They were mad at God because they didn't understand what the circumstances that they were facing.
Verse four. And they said to one another, let us choose a captain and return to Egypt. They were going to go back. God's telling us, don't return to that. Don't want to return to that normal. And don't consider what things look like, because he says things are not how they appear to be. Here's another example where God's people had a choice.
They had to make in Joshua 6
Joshua 6. They also looked they were also put in a precarious looking situation It looked like the enemies had the high the high Place it looked like the enemies could have easily defeated them They were protected behind that wall and the walls of Jericho and it looks silly for them to go against it This empire, this, this city that was built, I mean, this, again, it was six chariots wide.
How did they think they were ever going to penetrate that wall and get through it? Their enemies had the high ground. Usually, if anybody who has the high ground wins. It looked ridiculous. But God told them to do it anyway, so they had a choice to make. Look what God says. Joshua chapter 6 and verse 1. And now Jericho is a fenced town with high walls, was tightly closed because the Israelites, no one went out.
Or came in it was very highly protected first two and the lord said to joshua See i've given jericho its king and mighty men of valor in to your Hands what god was saying i'm giving you the victory I'm gonna give you that king and all of his army and you're going to defeat them now joshua He remembered just like he was the one in numbers saying hey, we are more naval him and him and caleb Don't forget what god's doing.
Don't forget what he's done for us You He had faith and trust in God. He didn't go by what he saw. And he trusted in God when God says I'm gonna give the king over into your hands.
Verse 3, you shall march around the enclosure of the men of war, going around the city, once. This shall you do for six days. So he was giving them the directions. And as you know, for the sake of time, I'm not gonna go over this entire thing. But as you know, they follow the specific directions of God. The wall came down exactly when God wanted it to come down, in God's perfect timing, and they took the city over.
They made the right choice. So I've shown you in other instances where they made the wrong one, and in this instance they made the right one. Our time is now to choose. Do we, are we going to believe what we see? Or are we going to believe the almighty? Are we going to believe his word? And his direction of what we should take?
Even though it may look impossible. Everyday, this is what he told me to write. This is what I wrote down the other day when I was studying this. Everyday, we make a choice. To trust God or ourselves and that's true every day. We make a choice to trust God or ourselves Here's another example of a choice.
Let's go to Romans. God gives us choices are all over the place We go to Romans chapter 10 Romans chapter 10
in verse 9.
Well, you know what? Let's go start with verse 8 Romans 10 verse 8 But what does it say the word God's message in Christ is near you on your lips? And in your heart, that is the word, the message and the basis and the object of faith, which we preach. Verse nine, because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart, believe, adhere to, trust in, rely on the truth that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
You made a choice, even though you didn't see the crucifixion, even though you didn't see him when he was raised from the dead. You still choose to believe that God sent his son, born of a woman, he sent his son to destroy the power of the enemy, he was crucified for our sake, he destroyed the power of sin, he destroyed the power of the keys of the hell, death, and the grave, he got him back, and he won, he defeated the enemy.
We choose to believe that on a daily basis, even though we didn't see it, we still can make that choice. To have Jesus be our Lord and Savior. We have a choice every day to choose. Whether we believe the core system, our bank accounts, the way it looks like with our family, the way it looks like in our nation, we have a choice to believe those things, or we have a choice to believe the report of Almighty God.
And His, His word, and His will says, In 2 14, He always caused you to triumph because of Jesus, because of that blood that was shed for you.
You can choose it every day. You can choose between life and death. You can choose between blessing and cursing. You can choose between truth or a lie. You can choose to be prideful or humble. You can choose to be self, selfish or selfless. You choose. Here's another. Here's our choice. You can make second Corinthians five.
Second Corinthians five in verse seven.
For we walk by faith. We regulate our lives and conduct ourselves by our conviction or belief, respecting man's relationship to God, divine things with trust and holy fervor, lest we walk not by sight or appearance. So we walk by faith every day. We have a choice. To walk by faith, or to walk by sight. To trust God, or to trust the enemy.
Every day we have to choose. And God is saying to us, there's no in between. In memory also says, in John 17. John 17. In verse 13 through 17 and Jesus was one of his last prayers before the garden of Gethsemane We've talked about this many times. He was praying to his father that we were in this world But we are not of it.
We are not subject to it. We're not partakers of it No matter what happens in the world. It should not happen to us I'm going to go back over the word now. I know there's a lot to go over with it.
First paragraph. My children, many are at a crossroads right now, needing to choose the direction that they are going in the right direction or choosing the wrong one. There's nothing in between. Just like God's people were at a crossroads in the wilderness. They chose the wrong direction. They were at a crossroads!
Even at the Red Sea, they could have chosen not to walk through it. But they chose the right path that time. You can see they, they had a choice with the walls of Jericho whether they were going to walk around it and do as God said, or they were just going to walk away. At some point, you know that the, the Jericho, they would have conquered them.
At some point, that army would have conquered them. We do things God's way. We have a choice to go to heaven or hell. That's our choice. One thing that haters of Christianity and, or just people who don't understand it, If God's such a good God, why'd he make hell? And put people in it. He doesn't put people in it.
They choose. He didn't make hell for man He made hell for lucifer when he threw him out of heaven and for all the angels that went with him
God gives people the choice to believe In him and to believe in his son
god does not want people to choose death That's why he says or hell and that's why he says in deuteronomy choose life He gave us that choice
then he goes on to say where the world is at right now in time It's a war between good and evil things are colliding and good will win No matter what it appears like right now. So again, God has warned us about things looking worse or Darker before they looked better. It looked bad for them, the promised land.
It looked bad for them But they had the choice, you know, it looked bad. God is saying look, it's your promised land. I've given this over to you
But they chose to believe the wrong thing. They believed what they saw.
Many in the body of Christ need to choose the direction of the world or the direction of my words. So the world is destruction, it's death, it's darkness, it's evil. And you can believe that's where it's going to stay or it's just going to get worse in that way. And it's going to stay in that worst way or you're going to believe what God says when God says I'm going to turn it all around the choice has to be made either.
We're going to trust and rely on God It says in in the word
proverbs 3 and verse 5
Lean on trust in and be confident in the lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding So right here god is telling us not to rely on our own intelligence You And our own wisdom and knowledge and understanding because in this time right now We have to completely rely and trust in him We have that choice verse six in all your ways recognize and acknowledge him and he will direct And make straight plain your path God will lead you around All the things that the enemy is trying to do to destroy you he'll detour you around that So you're not affected by it.
Remember he goes before the enemy. He knows You God is the end from the beginning. He knows what they were gonna do. That's why he can lead you around it.
Now he's saying, so his body of Christ has to make this decision, and now he's saying leaders. Leaders in the body of Christ, leaders in politics, leaders in, you know, high powered positions. Many leaders are at the same place where they will continue to do it man's way, political way, or my way. Choices must be made in this time.
This is a time of decision. So we're not the only ones have to make a choice.
People that God chose in high powerful positions have a choice to rely on themselves, or they have a choice to rely on God. And that's why we have to pray for all the leaders, for everyone that God has appointed and anointed for this time, that they make the right decision, because this is decision time.
Abrupt changes are being made in my children, the time I have warned you of, of this great separation. Is upon you i'm showing the world who is on my side And who isn't the shaking is going to intensify to show you who the real bad apples are in the churches in politics in business I Am separating the good from the bad and the liars from the honest.
I Am separating the proud from the humble.
The time has come where things will become uncomfortable for some and freeing for others. Why is it going to be uncomfortable for some? The ones who are against God, it will be uncomfortable for them.
But the ones who are trusting, relying, leaning on God, God's chosen people, it'll be freeing for us.
My children, the time has come to so choose which side you are on. Pick the side of truth, and you'll be glad you did, says the Lord. So again, God's people have had ample opportunities to trust the truth or to trust a lie, to trust in God or to trust the enemy, to trust their feelings or to walk by faith.
Every day we have choices to make in every circumstance in our life. We have a choice to make some days stink some circumstances Really are horrible. They're unbearable. Sometimes we have a choice Do we believe that or we trust in god to get us through even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death?
We've shall what fear no evil
his rod, but he protects he guides
We have to choose to believe God or not.
Amherst. That's A M H. I think it's E R S T. That's how I spelled it. I don't know. Okay. My phone just, my watch decided to talk to me for some reason. All right. Amherst. This name will be in your news for a significant reason. And then an ambush will be in your news for a shocking reason. So an ambush will be in the news for shocking reason.
Then he goes in and talks about Israel. The turmoil you are seeing in the land of Israel. Woe to their enemies who have infiltrated this nation. I will tell you, they've infiltrated Israel like they did the United States of America. They're doing to Netanyahu, Benjamin Netanyahu, as they did with President Trump.
Anything to sabotage, anything to destroy his credibility, anything to look like he's evil, And he's the wrong person for the job. That people, his own people turned against him. Same thing. Same playbook. Because it's the same people running the show.
I will show you the traitors in this government, going after Netanyahu.
Their coup will not work. He was placed there by me. No one can remove him. They've tried. But it didn't work. It didn't last very long. Why? Because God needed him in that seat during this time for Israel.
I know a lot of people praying for President Trump and still do. Pray for his family. We also need to pray for Benjamin not Yahoo and his
all the enemies of my land Your next attacks and your next moves will fail. You will not have my Israel. It's Mine, it's not yours to have on the protector of that land and of my people the Jewish people are his There's still his chosen people too.
You will not have the war you wanted. Your next move is against my people. You will regret.
Go look up some of the things that happened during the six day war. And how awesome God was. Even look at what's been happening even with their ballistic missiles and all their missiles they've been trying to, their rockets that they're trying to fire into Israel and how they just don't work. One news article said, it was like back in 2013 or 2014.
Their God is changing the direction of our rockets. That was in a news article. They were so frustrated because the rockets weren't going in the direction that they wanted. And you know the Iron Dome was God's invention that he had given them. Because he saw this time coming, he saw what all the enemies were going to do against them.
I will expose who paid you and who helped you plan. Who helped you with your plan these attempts to overthrow my land and my chosen son who is in charge of it Do you hear me? Washington so he's talking to the establishment the establishment has had their hands and what has happened in Israel They have their hands and what's going on with Ukraine and Russia.
Oh, you better believe it It's for a massive reason that people don't even understand
Biological, there's also a honeypot there of natural resources You
There's also trafficking. There's multiple different reasons that they're throwing billions and billions and billions of dollars at Ukraine. There's another reason why Hunter Biden worked for Burisma. Lots of information that will not be suppressed for much longer.
Again, so he says, do you hear me, Washington? You will not have what you planned or what you paid for. They paid for that. They paid for that attack back in October. Yes, it was Hamas and Hezbollah,
but unfortunately, there's more people that are in, that were part of that than we realized. Israel is my nation, not yours to decide who gets it or who can rule over it. You don't have the kind of power, so back off. If you don't, judgment will hit you even harder and more shame and embarrassment will come upon you.
Again, he's talking to the enemies. of Israel, no matter what country they're in.
Israel is mine and any enemy who tries to destroy it will be destroyed, saith the Lord of Hosts. Now remember, the Lord of Hosts means Lord of Angel Armies. God is protecting Israel. God is also protecting our country.
Then he goes on to say something explosive is about to come out of Florida. Get ready. This nation is about to change in a big way. So something's gonna happen in Florida. Get ready. This nation is about to change in a big way. Also, what has God warned us of? Black Swan events, false flag events, chaos, You know what's, what's going on with some of these shootings.
Things are not how they appear to be.
Please watch Wednesday and you will understand more. I can't tell you that enough. Watch Wednesday's live show.
Washington, D. C. is in for a big surprise. Watch, or sorry, what they thought they had, they, sorry,
Washington, D. C. is in for a big surprise. What they thought they could pull off, they can't.
So they're gonna run into a lot more brick walls. Things that they worked before are not going to work anymore. Then he says, what they thought they had control of, they don't. They don't have control of that seat of the president. They don't have control of the narrative anymore, the news media, because no one's believing the lamestream media, or at least, Most people aren't.
Their narrative is not working. They're not believing in these indictments against president Trump. That's why his fundraising is through the roof. People don't believe that stuff anymore. They're losing control, great changes and shocking evidence. Explosive proof is coming to tear apart the old guard. I would say he's mentioned that old guard again and the establishment.
So the old guard is the one that's been protecting. It's like the big fish. Those are the ones that are the architects. That plan all this stuff. They're the ones who pay for all this stuff, and they're the ones who protect the establishment They're inside the establishment, too I promise you my children these so called giants with their foundations and their establishment are being banished And evicted from their seats and places of power.
You will see no one fights against me and my chosen people. And when I want to read to you, the definition of banish,
send someone away from a country or a place as an official punishment. And he says, they're being banished. He says they're being removed, but also banished. Send someone away from a country or a place as an official punishment. Okay. Another meaning for the word banished is to send someone away, especially from their country and not allow them to come back.
That's what banishing means. And that's what he says is going to happen to them. Then he gives the word evicted, expel someone from a property, especially with the support of the law. They're being banished. They're being evicted. And of course he keeps saying removals. The definition of evict is to force someone to leave somewhere.
He's forcing them to leave their places of power.
Great regret is about to come upon your enemies. Everything they thought they have done to you will be done unto them in a greater measure. That's at seed time and harvest. That's it, you reap what you sow. You sow disruption, destruction, corruption, you will reap that. You sow death, you will receive that.
So, you see what, this is like a a time of, well, great harvest. For them. Again, God has given them any chance and any opportunity. Why do you think things have taken so long? People have been really impatient. God wanted them to turn around. He wanted them to change their course of action, and they didn't.
So now there has to be banishment, evictions, removals, and some will cost their life. And God's already told us that. Great regret is about to come upon your enemies. Everything they have done to you will be done unto them in a greater measure. Their harvest time has come their fall is here the time of their ruling and reigning has come to their end their expiration date Says expired their expiration date says expired
So my children hold on embrace for violent Shaking that will take place to finish off your enemies in my nation Nations say the lord of your redeemer. So we said brace for the violent Shakings that will take place to finish off your enemies in my nations That's why God's been talking about a political reset.
He's been talking about things looking worse before they get better. He's been talking about everything that can be shaken, will be shaken. Why? To break and set us free from that captivity we've been under, and also to destroy the power of the enemy. So we have a choice right now to believe what we see, to believe the enemy, to believe that all the things that they're doing, they're going to get away with it all, and nothing's going to change, and Again, gotta keep saying unconventional.
We are in an unconventional election time. Unprecedented election time. If people haven't seen it, they will. Because that will become more and more obvious. Watch what happens after the debate. Or debates. How many ever they have. Just watch.
Things are not gonna go how the enemies wanted them to go. And they thought they were in control of when they were gonna remove somebody? And that's not going to happen. They don't have that control. Things are not going to go how they planned. Okay, so I want to pray over each and every one of you, and I also want you to pray with me over President Trump, over his family, and over the next decisions that have to be made.
For this country and for what he needs to do so heavily father right now in Jesus name I want to praise you and I want to thank you right now father god that you have given us a choice You have given us a free will but I thank you father god You are leading us and guiding us in the right direction and where we should go I thank you father god that no weapon formed against this nation shall prosper No weapon formed against our freedoms will prosper.
No weapon formed against president trump or his family shall prosper You No weapon formed against his decision making shall prosper. I thank you, Father God, that you will have your way. I thank you, Father God. You see the defeat of the enemy is coming. That's why you're sitting in the heavens and you're laughing.
I thank you that the enemies are being cut off. I thank you that no matter what they try to do with our land, I thank you it will be destroyed. That they, their plans will be brought to nothing. I thank you, Father God. That you have strengthened your people, you're awakening your people. You're giving them wisdom and knowledge understanding like never before.
You're giving them revelation knowledge like never before. Pour out your glory. Show us your glory, Lord, like never before. I thank you for those marvels, those miracles and signs and wonders that you have never done before in this degree. You are doing it for us. We thank you father god that we stand our ground and that we will not be moved We thank you father god that we win and enemies lose.
We thank you for joy You're turning all our mourning into joy. We thank you for that strength and for that peace in Jesus name Amen, and amen Again, you need to hold on. Oh, everyone everyone wants to know if we're gonna be on with pastor day this week No, I'm not unless something changes by God You I had to be in prayer and I know I'm going to miss being on with Pastor Dave on Wednesday, but I will be rebroadcasting His live show that we did each with each other last week.
I will be broadcasting it for you on this channel this week Okay, you will be able to see it for those who have missed it But right now, unless God says otherwise, right now I can't. There's stuff going on. It's too imperative. I can't miss this time with the Lord right now. So unless something changes, and if something does change, I'll make sure that I make a short video and, and I I inform you, but something's going on that I have to go in to be, to spend time with the Lord with my team.
So no, I'm, I'm not going to be on right now with him, unfortunately. I'm going to miss it, but it's okay. Okay. God is doing something that it's all worth it. It's all worth it. I know that. All right. So I just want to encourage each and every one of you to make that choice. Go and watch Wednesday morning.
I cannot emphasize, I'll make sure the team puts it live for you so you can still have your live chat. Okay. I'm pre recording again, either early tomorrow morning for Thursday. Or i'm going to do it sometime today I'll see what when I can put it in and fit it in with my schedule But i'll make sure that these words you guys cannot miss Okay, even though I won't physically be here.
Please do not miss these words. They're important Okay So, and also I know I heard from three sons threads They're gonna have some of their stuff that's out of stock We'll be back in stock some of the make america pray again shirts But god shirts things like that thing that have been out of stock since the event We'll be back in stock on Wednesday.
Okay. So be looking forward at three suns threads. com. Go look for that on Wednesday. And of course, if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, we're getting, so we're still getting praise reports in from the event. I I'm reading them and i'm bawling my head off I'm, just bawling and crying because i've seen what god is doing for so many keep saying those in it's an encouragement for me It's an encouragement for the team.
We read every single one. We love it We read the appraiser appraise requests or prayer requests. So write us you can go to our description box You can find all that information there. You jgm international. org under our contact page No, we will be in intercessory prayer for the body of Christ this week and for our nations.
Okay. Myself and the prayer team, we will be interceding constantly. This is going to be a, just, I know God has a lot of things for us to fast and pray about. So we will be doing that for us, for the country. Okay. For this nation and for your nation. So I will be live tomorrow. Yes. I will be live. I will be here tomorrow.
The, the, the stuff won't start till Wednesday. Okay. I already just pre recorded Wednesday this morning, about 4 30 this morning. All right. That is all for today. So I hope you like, subscribe and share. Remember like, subscribe and share and give us everyone, you know, who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth.
And the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.
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