Tucker Carlson on who's really in charge:

8 months ago

"They've mismanaged all the big things, the things that matter, the economy or foreign policy and they've destroyed the family too...group I'm highly familiar with that have wrecked everything but are still currently in charge...it's a struggle between classes of people...and who should be running the country. Should it be the people, this leadership class which really is the product of a quite elaborate grooming system that's come up over the last century, but really accelerated post war, past 80 years, or like the rest of the people who live here, should they have the voice too. Should they have any power. But that's who's running it. It's quite a large group actually...Now I find it completely repulsive and immoral and really disgusting actually...The reason that it's so hard to really pinpoint who's making the decisions is because it's quite large and diffuse. It's an entire class of people with similar instincts and similar vested interests in things. And they unfortunately just have an awful lot of power. And they control the monopolies that define our economy."
Source: The Shawn Ryan Show (YouTube)

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