Is this why the Pope excommunicated Archbishop Carlo Vigano?

6 months ago

H/T Lisa Mei
THIS is why they had to excommunicate Archbishop Carlo M Vigano
. No question about it.

In this segment of his video (from an online conference last December), "Is the Pope Catholic?" he discusses:
- The Israeli Mossad blackmail operation
- Jeffrey Epstein & Epstein Island
- Podesta emails / Clintons & Obama
- Elite Pedophiles / Pizzagate
- Agenda 2030 / Great Reset
- How they installed Bergoglio as Pope

Full video:

Here's the transcript from this segment:


"A few weeks ago, an important collaborator of Hillary Clinton and John Podesta was arrested for pedophilia and child pornography. I am referring to Slade Sohmer, a man with ties to the world of Broadway and cinema, who played a role in the effort to debunk the infamous “Pizzagate” affair, that is, the network of filthy complicity and horrendous crimes against minors that revolves around the international deep state. We have learned that certainly Jeffrey Epstein and most likely Ghislaine Maxwell were members of the Israeli Mossad. This makes us understand that the famous trips of many well-known people to Epstein’s island were used to blackmail them by collecting evidence of their guilt in participating in heinous ritual crimes against minors. And if the Heads of State and government officials of the Western world do not dare to breathe a word of protest against the massacres of civilians in the Gaza Strip, it is legitimate to assume that this attitude is due to the extensive dossiers and videos inculpating them that are in the possession of the Israeli intelligence services. The same thing must have happened with the preparation of the fake pandemic emergency, which was slavishly replicated in all the member states of the World Economic Forum and the United Nations, and also with the farce of the Ukrainian crisis (let’s not forget about Gaza Marine, the huge natural gas field right off the coast of the Gaza Strip, a target that is quite tempting at a time when gas supplies from Russia have been blocked by economic sanctions that benefit the multinationals and their investment funds). But if this blackmail of the powerful of the world constitutes the unifying element of the globalist subversive project, we cannot help but think that the indispensable role played by the Catholic Church has been in some way forced not only by the appointment of Bergoglio as an emissary of the enemies of the Church placed in the very top position, but also by the sexual and financial scandals that have only partially emerged due to the many Prelates who are agents of the deep church. How can we think that a person like Theodore McCarrick, who entered the White House without the need to be announced and who continued to represent the Vatican’s diplomatic interests in China even after he was accused of being a serial predator, did not enjoy the support of those powerful individuals, who shared with him the most vile vices and the most heinous crimes? Are we to think that the partnership between the deep state and the deep church was limited to complicity in financial speculation, when a pedophile like Slade Sohmer collaborated with the Clintons and Barack Obama, all of whom were implicated in Pizzagate? Or that Bill Gates’ numerous flights to Epstein’s island, along with those of numerous actors, rulers, politicians, bankers, and VIPs have nothing to do with the network of complicity of the lavender mafia?

From the leaked emails in the Wikileaks case, we know that John Podesta was working on behalf of Hillary Clinton and Obama – and the globalist elite in general – to promote a “colored revolution” within the Church that was supposed to oust Benedict XVI from the papacy, elect an ultra-progressive pope, and substantially modify the Catholic Magisterium by making it accept the demands of the Agenda 2030: gender equality, the introduction of gender ideology and LGBTQ+ doctrine, the democratization of Church governance, collaboration in the neo-Malthusian project of the Great Reset, cooperation on immigrationism, and cancel culture. It seems clear to me that this subversive project has found perfect realization in the appointment of Bergoglio – and I use the word “appointment” deliberately – and that it is confirmed by his consistent pattern of acts of governance and magisterial teaching, both public and private, over the course of this most inauspicious decade. An action that has in fact carried out the wishes (desiderata), or rather the mandates (mandata), the orders of the elite, point by point, and in such a precise way as to be unequivocal: gender equality with the opening of roles in ecclesiastical government and ministry to women; the moral legitimization of sodomy and gender ideology with the admission of sodomites and transsexuals to the role of godparents and being witnesses at weddings; fake democratization, following the model of oligarchies in the civil sphere, through “synodality;” the acceptance of pseudo-environmentalist demands with a drastic downsizing of the condemnation of abortion, euthanasia, and genetic manipulation through the subversion of the Pontifical Academy for Life; the campaign to welcome illegal immigrants in the name of an inevitability of the mixing of races that is not free from economic interests; cancel culture with its denigration of the history of the Church and the falsification of the Holy Scriptures. And indeed, on closer inspection it is always the promise of an economic quid pro quo that binds the members of the deep church with the agents of the deep state: the elite has paid them the pretium sanguinis of their betrayal with sponsorships and funding. I wonder if Bergoglio’s grotesque attempts to re-evaluate Judas do not betray the instinctive sympathy of a traitor for Iscariot, mercator pessimus.

So let’s go back to the pretium sanguinis, the payment of services rendered by people who have been blackmailed not only by those who know the most disconcerting and obscure secrets about them, but also by those who agree with them while holding similar roles in other nations, in the European Parliament, the UN, the World Bank, or in other international institutions. Imagine if Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dared to consider dissociating himself from certain issues – for example, the silence about Netanyahu’s war crimes in Gaza – thus disobeying the orders given to him. Even before the news reached the media, it would be his counterparts in Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, France, Holland, Belgium, and God knows where else, who would put pressure on him to keep quiet, knowing full well that the Mossad would not hesitate for a moment to drag into scandal – and jail – not only Trudeau (on whom charges for rape of a minor are pending, for now held up in some prosecutor’s office), but also those members of the international pedophile elite who have evidence of other crimes committed by the same Justin Trudeau. For this reason, it was necessary for corruption to become endemic to the system, so that the globalist cancer could be etched into it.

And it would be foolish or irresponsible to believe that the Bergoglian hierarchy is exempt from this blackmail. We know rather that it is largely involved in the same vices, with the protection of Bergoglio himself. On the other hand, what credibility can the Argentine Jesuit claim to have, when in the case of McCarrick he personally decided as res judicata the conviction without trial of one of the most powerful cardinals of the last fifty years, avoiding the examination of witnesses who could have given the names of his accomplices, who are now promoted to the highest levels of the Church or public institutions? Do you think, if it was possible to perpetrate electoral fraud with impunity in order to oust Donald Trump from the White House, that they failed to do the same thing at the 2013 conclave, taking into account how compromised the majority of the College of Cardinals is? The fact that the fraud is public and still unpunished is, if anything, an aggravating circumstance stemming from the arrogance of believing oneself omnipotent and invincible."

Full transcript:

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