Bureaucrats - Harjit Singh Sajjan - Governor Generals Expenses

8 months ago

California proposes annual tax and registration on each gun in the state

he California legislature introduced a proposal to require gun owners in the state to pay an annual tax and register each gun they own. Failure to register and pay the tax would carry up to a $250 fine.

Given that the state can provide personal identifying information of California gun owners to “researchers” of “gun violence, " this measure would effectively create an accessible registry of all California gun owners and their weapons.

State Sen. Anthony J. Portantino, D-Burbank, introduced SB 1160 as a public safety measure.


Shootings up 75% in February compared to this time last year: Edmonton police

Edmonton saw a 75 per cent increase in shootings in February compared to the same month last year, police say.

According to a Thursday news release, there were a reported 14 shootings last month. Of those, 12 are believed to be targeted and nine resulted in injuries.

Public safety continues to be a concern, with 11 of the 14 having the potential for innocent bystanders to be harmed. There were three deaths as a result of shootings.


‘It was a betrayal of his most basic duty’: Five Tweets on Minister Sajjan’s controversial orders during the fall of Afghanistan

Harjit Sajjan, Canada’s minister of defence during the fall of Kabul in August of 2021, has been accused of prioritizing Afghan Sikhs over Canadians and former locally engaged staff when the federal government airlifted civilians out of Afghanistan.

Amidst the chaos, Canada left behind 1,250 Canadian citizens, permanent residents, their families, and several hundred interpreters and fixers who helped the Canadian Armed Forces during Canada’s 13-year presence in the country. New reporting from the Globe and Mail alleges Sajjan meanwhile ordered the Canadian special forces to prioritize rescuing 225 Afghan Sikhs.


Governor General spent $3 million in travel during first full year in office

Data from government documents put the cost of flying Governor General Mary Simon to four overseas engagements and 17 domestic trips across Canada last year at $2.78 million, spread across a number of government departments and ministries.


Pensions for former governors general cost more than $18 million

The CTF estimates that the five living former governors general will receive more than $18 million if they continue to collect their pensions to age 90. The estimates are based on the annual governor general pension amounts published in the public accounts since 2000-01, and assume the 2019-20 pension payment of $149,484 for future years.


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