The Price of Freedom - Valley Forge Trip Round II

2 months ago

Happy Independence Day! I am sharing some insights from my recent trip to Valley Forge - the winter encampment of General George Washington and the Continental Army during the lowest point of the war. After loosing the largest and second longest battle of the Revolution at the Battle of Brandywine and subsequently the Philadelphia Campaign and our United States Capitol, America's General and a fledgling army regrouped, trained and encamped during the winter of 1777-1778. They lost over 2,000 men to cold, exposure and disease in the most trying days of the birth of our nation.

It was here at Valley Forge that General Washington received his 3 visions about the 3 great woes that would befall these United States. At the lowest point of the war, when much including our capitol city of Philadelphia was lost and our newly formed government was in hiding, divine help came that not only gave our nation's Commander in Chief hope but also much needed rest and training for our troops to emerge with a vengeance and a might previously unseen and push back the enemy ultimately securing our liberty and freedom for generations to come.

America is at another crossroads. Will brave men and women rise to the occasion as our forefathers did, loving not their lives, and pursue the re-emergence of this nation as the greatest it has ever been? Will we heed the words and example that Washington and so many others left us and pray as well as act on behalf of our nation, our families and future generations?

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