Danish Faroe Islands - 90 Pilot Whales Killed In Barbaric Blood Sport

7 months ago

Over 90 victims today (5 of July) at Syờrugøta (count by our crew), should tradition justify atrocities? The #BlubberButcher seems to think so.
Please share this post, more Info in Captain Paul Watson Foundation UK and in stories.

Their hunting methods aren’t traditional anymore. Instead of wooden boats with paddles, they use fast boats to hunt and cranes to process the meat, making the killing much easier and far deadlier than their ancestors ever imagined.
They get carried away and keep killing as many as possible, treating it like a frenetic sport.

Unlike traditional hunting, which utilises most of the carcass, much of the dolphin is wasted, including fins, heads, bones, intestines, and tail stocks.

Video by Captain Paul Watson Fundation UK on Facebook:

#TraditionsCanChange #OpBloodyFjords
don’t #VisitFaroes
#dolphinshunting #stopthegrind #stopdolphinhunt
#Neptune'sPiratesUK the new name of #SeaShepherd uk
Don't #visitfaroeislands #faroencers #traditionscanchange #opbloodyfjords #pilotwhales #animalrights #activism #oceans #marinewildlife

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