7 months ago

This video is of all the witnneses who reported explosions, secondary explosions, boom boom boom. All morning long, reporters in reat time reported explosions. Bobby Mclllvaine was blown apart in the lobby of the North Tower BEFORE any plane hit above as his autopsy proved. His Dad Bob Mcllvaine is still demanding Justice.
The Lawyers' Committee for 911 Inquiry is still working towards Justice and you can find their website details much LCfor911.org This link is to 118 witnneses and their reports: https://www.lawyerscommitteefor9-11inquiry.org/lc-doj-grand-jury-petition/exhibit-03-petition-1/
We were lied to, All the reporters in real time reported explosions. Then by the end of the day, the official narrative was that jet fuel fires took down the steel and concrete structures. It was nano-thermite and directed energy weapons, holograms, Hollywood, and God knows what else.
911 was the Seal of the Coup d'eta take over of the U.S. Government.
Americans not only let the 911 criminals get away with the bombing crime, they welcomed them to stay and govern. Then Americans rolled up their sleeves begging to be injected with a bioweapon from the same cabal.
Now all those people are terribly harmed for generations - DNA has been changed creating terrible havoc in the human body causing horrible Sudden Deaths and disabilities.

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