R$E RoundSaturnsEye: UK's 'Freedom of Speech' and 'Freedom of Expression'!§ [Jul 3, 2024]

7 months ago

Note: 99,999% of all the People are Brainwashed Moron Idiots...

All Politicians are Liars!

All Democracy is an illusion!The Right and Left are two sides of the same coin!

They all 'work' together in the same Satanic Fascist Pedophile Agenda 2030 'club'!

What is Needed now is a Worldwide Revolution...

And all Politicians and people who 'work' for these Psychopaths are Traitors in my world.

And what did the Real Freedom Fighters do to the Traitors in WW2 and WW1?I have shared a lot of R$E video the last 4 years, normally I would links to them in a search link on Bitchute, but it is not working anymore, both on https://www.bitchute.com and https://old.bitchute.com/.

05.07.2024 - Still not working, Kim Osbøl R$E:


R$E RoundSaturnsEye




Not working on Rumble to...


Working on my Telegram https://t.me/KimOsboel just search for R$E, found 126 messages.

I just wrote another email to Bitchute support about this problem to...

And why they dont test the new site, before they launch it...

No reply...


R$E: Should Christians vote for Reform UK?

Conversation with Reform UK candidate about conversion therapy ban, free speech, WEF and protecting Christian values.

General Election is tomorrow in the UK and a very real threat of a large win for the hard left.

Article 11 - Freedom of expression and information




63.3K subscribers


Jul 3, 2024


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