Delta officer faces no charges when he shot a suspected burglary suspect after resisting the officer

7 months ago

A Delta police officer who shot a man during a call on Bert Street last fall will not be charged for his use of force, even though he may have been mistaken about the man’s intent, District Attorney Seth Ryan determined.

Delta Police Department Officer Mark Bowen acted reasonably in shooting Jeremy Kuzov, then 43, Ryan found: As required, Bowen first attempted less-lethal means of taking Kuzov into custody when the man resisted, and the officer acted in self-defense against unlawful force. Self-defense applies when a person acts on a “reasonable belief” that another is using or is going to use deadly force against himself or herself, or another.

Delta Police shot a man during a burglary call, according to the Delta Police Department.

According to a press release, officers were responding to a burglary in progress call at an address near the 100 block of Bert Street on Tuesday when they encountered a man who was not the property owner.

Delta Police shot the man during or after a physical altercation, the release said.

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