Bruski gives TTRPG tips!

8 months ago

Someone asked me for advice about TTRPG's and it was at that moment I realized - I've never made a video of my basic pointers. Podcasted with the boys a bit, sure.

I know, right? Epic fail dude. Like, what, you're a gamer? Get wrekt!!!

So here are three tips for DM's and three tips for players in any TTRPG setting. These are some of the things I learned or things that I'd considered do's and dont's in my games and in my own experience. Use them as you like, add to them, stick them on a t shirt-whatever!

#ttrpg #ttrpgcommunity #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #dungeoncrawler #pathfinder #castlesandcrusades #roleplaygames #fantasy #d20

"Vivi's Theme" by @gamechops and @RiftiBeats

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