In Love, At Ease by Yogi Trivedi - Part 89 (Yamsox Live Reading July 4th, 2024)

7 months ago

Spiritual Wisdom from 'In Love, At Ease': Discovering Pramukh Swami Maharaj

Explore the profound teachings of Pramukh Swami Maharaj as captured in the book 'In Love, At Ease' by Yogi Trivedi. This video highlights significant moments from a TikTok livestream, where we delve into the spiritual legacy of Pramukh Swami Maharaj—known for his selfless love, humility, and service. From embracing diversity in faith to pilgrimage experiences and supporting temple projects, witness the timeless lessons on inner happiness and success. Join us as we recount the impactful journeys and projects spearheaded by Swamiji, including his revered presence at the Ambaji Temple. Let these reflections guide you on your own spiritual path.

00:00:00 Embracing Diversity in Faith
00:03:18 Swamiji's Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
00:06:09 Supporting Temple Projects
00:09:47 Pramukh Swami at Ambaji Temple

#PramukhSwami #InLoveAtEase #SpiritualWisdom #FaithDiversity #TempleProjects #Pilgrimage #InnerHappiness #SelflessService #Swaminarayan #YogiTrivedi

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