In Love, At Ease by Yogi Trivedi - Part 88 (Yamsox Live Reading July 4th, 2024)

2 months ago

In Love, At Ease: Celebrating Pramukh Swami Maharaj's Legacy of Interfaith Harmony

Dive into the spiritual wisdom of Pramukh Swami Maharaj in this heartfelt reflection drawn from 'In Love, At Ease' by Yogi Trivedi. This video captures the essence of Swamishri's universal respect for the divine and showcases his lifelong efforts in promoting interfaith harmony and embracing all faiths. Join us on this journey through the teachings of a spiritual master whose legacy of selfless love, service, humility, and inclusiveness continues to inspire. All proceeds from the book support tribal education welfare in Poshina, Gujarat.

00:00:00 Universal Respect for the Divine
00:02:44 Swamishri's Interfaith Efforts
00:04:32 Embracing All Faiths

#SpiritualWisdom #InterfaithHarmony #PramukhSwamiMaharaj #InLoveAtEase #YogiTrivedi #SelflessService #TribalEducationWelfare #SpiritualMaster #UniversalRespect #FaithAndUnity

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