Jesus of the Bible cannot be Isa of the Quran-kannada

8 months ago

Unveiling the disparities between the Isa of the Quran and the Jesus of the Bible, this captivating YouTube video sheds light on the contrasting narratives surrounding these revered figures. By meticulously examining their respective accounts, we unravel why they cannot be regarded as one and the same. Join us on this enlightening journey as we explore the distinct perspectives and gain insights into the divergent portrayals of Isa and Jesus. #IsaOfQuran #JesusOfBible #DivergentNarratives #Isa #Jesus #Quran #Bible #Jesus #ComparativeReligion #InterfaithDialogue #ReligiousDiversity #IslamicPerspective #ChristianPerspective #ReligiousNarratives #Kannada Islamic debates

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