Word Quest - Play-through and Review - Levels 9 - 15 - July 2024

3 months ago

~~~~~ What is Word Quest? What kind of game is Word Quest? ~~~~~

Word Quest is a reverse word scramble jumble type game. The player is given several words and a blocks of letters and the player is tasked with guessing the commonality.

~~~~~ Is Word Quest “Pay to Win”? What do you get for spending real world money? ~~~~~

You get hints. You can get hints by watching advertisements or by paying real world cash.

~~~~~ Is there any objectionable material in Word Quest? ~~~~~

There isn't any objectionable material that we have found. After all, this is a word game.

~~~~~ Is Word Quest fun to play? Is the game challenging? Is this game a grind? ~~~~~

For those who enjoy jumble-style puzzles, this game can give you a nice dose without the commitment of larger puzzles.

As with any word puzzle games, challenging is a relative term. It all depends on your skill level and vocabulary.

Is this a grind? Only if you need to do multiples in a short time.

~~~~~ What about in-game advertisements? How many are there? How intrusive are they? Do you get anything for enduring them? ~~~~~~

We have encountered mandatory advertisements. 😢️
Fortunately, these were skippable.
Putting the device in airplane mode stops that.

~~~~~ What are the pros and cons of this game? ~~~~~

Small crossword puzzles.
Levels are short.
Hint system which can assist the word or solve the puzzle.

No background music.
Limited sounds.
Unable to shuffle or move blocks around.
Some of the words are not found in a standard dictionary.
Some of the words do not make obvious sense in relation to the given clue.
Some of these puzzles require a large English vocabulary. While I would expect a difficulty increase at level 500, having uncommon words in the early levels detracts and is mildly depressive.

~~~~~ Do you recommend this game? ~~~~~

We would like to. In of itself, there is nothing majorly wrong with this game. Sure, it could use music and different background skins but those are not deal-breakers.

This game could do very well with children and teenagers if the game was geared towards their vocabulary level. Some of the categories are a bit obscure and we had to use a reference guide to solve some of these.

The bottom line is that we just think this is a lost opportunity.

AI Music generated from https://ai-music-magic.audoir.com/

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