Today is #PTSDAwarenessDay

8 months ago

Today is #PTSDAwarenessDay
US Military Veterans sacrifice so much for our GOD & Country, and All of US return home wounded in varying degrees from War and Work—some that can be seen and others that can’t. I’m on Fort Jackson where military are trained and many retirees live, and often visit MAHC, the Van Dorn VA Health Center and other local Hospitals where many of US Patriots are seeking physical and mental Healing but I see way more on the streets too, typically homeless and Not being treated for their wounds, much less treated as heroes, and all needing spiritual help and healing; so that’s what we (Annette and me) do as Christian Military Vets, minister, we minister to wounded military veterans, their spouses and families (if they have one or the other or both) through prayer, listening ear, compassionate care, brotherly love and support according to Being a Christian Brother and friend. Today, pray with me for all who suffer from and are affected by PTSD.

PTSD has been around for as long as conflicts and wars existed but has just been brought to light Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was first recognized as a mental health diagnosis in 1980 when the American Psychological Association included it in the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III). The diagnosis was associated with the Vietnam War, and was created to help researchers and provide better treatment for trauma survivors.

And to a lesser degree during Post-Traumatic Psychiatric Symptoms in military personnel fighting in WWII were reported as early as 1945 by the American Psychiatrists Grinker and Spiegel but the earliest evidence or effects of PTSD were recorded in modern documentation of PTSD began when Swiss physician Johannes Hofer coined the term “Nostalgia” in 1688 to describe the sleeplessness, despair, and homesickness experienced by mercenaries fighting far from home. Around the same period, Spanish, French, and German also recorded similar symptoms in patients involved in military combat.

I’m trying to point the fact that it’s been around for centuries in silence and just now becoming something to seriously consider and compensate US for as a direct result of our duties, and might I add that it goes beyond the battle field and right in the middle of our daily duties… 😱🤷‍♀️🧐🙏🫡🇺🇸👨‍✈️❤️‍🩹👩‍✈️🥰🙌🎚️♥️🌎#REBTD😇

Of course, though I’m focusing on US Military, PTSD can be problem for anyone (Law Enforcement, First Responders, Rape, Crime Victims and anyone at any age who experienced through a traumatic event that haunts and essentially debilitates them emotionally and mentally, even if no physical trauma or evidence. 🤗#ptsdwarrior #ptsdawareness #Pray #military #veterans #prayer #GODblessAmerica #♥️🇺🇸🙏🌎REBTD😇

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