Article 4922 Video - Public International Notice: So We Are Told By Anna Von Reitz

8 months ago

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Article 4922 Video - Public International Notice: So We Are Told - Thursday, July 4, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

This morning, the Fourth of July in the year of 2024, we are told that "President" Trump, the "Commander-in-Chief" of the British Territorial Corporation doing business as "the United States of America -- Incorporated" has given the order to the U.S. Military to disclose what has gone on here.

We are told that in "3 to 5 days everyone will know".

But will we?

It seems very doubtful that those who have been chiefly responsible for the ruses and abuses will come clean, and far more likely that they will come forward with some fictional Hollywood narrative seeking to excuse themselves and make themselves look good ---- while continuing to use and abuse.

Historically, when cornered and accused of their vile religious practices and other criminal acts, the Vermin double-down and accuse others of what they have been doing themselves.

So expect that.

They use bit players as the Fall Guys to satiate public outrage, while the actual leaders and perpetrators escape to pleasant vacation homes and retreats. They sit in comfy leather recliners and watch their whipping boys go to the guillotines and gallows.

Expect that, too.

The whole political furor, the phony prosecution of Trump and the January 6th protestors, the staged election, the attacks against our food production facilities and oil refineries, the entire pandemic complete with rehearsals, the continued slow march toward the UN CORP 2030 goals, the so-called "Open Borders Policy", the whole criminal house of cards that makes up the current financial system --- all that they are going to explain? Without, however, incriminating themselves?

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