I Hate Corperations And I Hate Being Manipulated More Prod. $lit Wriztz

8 months ago

Prod. $lit Wriztz: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmGNJBvyiAEKnYXmmUVHMOQ
Third track on my upcoming album, "The Caring Cynic"
Lyrics: The world tells you money is power sublimitaly
its on Every advertisment thats been on tv
Associate attractive women with products
And whats an attractive woman to be honest

Everyone treats money like a contest
Make more money lose family and contacts
Tell young girls they aint pretty without dumb packs
of your brand of makeup so you can profit

Adds after cartoons are sugary snacks so kids bought it
Food comapines make money who cares whats processsed
Make food addictive then put some sugar on it
The world replaced arguing on tv with politics

Tell blanket statements to spark an argument
Pander to their party so their ratings are met
Brainwash and mainpulate opinions
Politics aside people wont even fucking listen

Cant say a harmless joke cause 2020 tension
Twitter will cancel you no matter you intentions
Someone wanted some followers and recongition
While those people probably was in their position

College makes it so you cant pay tuition
So you cant start life like the keys stuck in the inition
Gradeschool is just a fucking babysitter
Now jail thats something thats vaguly similar

mimumum wage pays you just enough to survive
Slack off one day youre garbage in their eyes
They work you like its a full career but less money otherwise
In actual careers they work you till your time is compomised

Point is employers only care about what you provide
That shirt isnt cool its conditioned
I'll start my own style and get commition
Toys were the only reason i went to mcdonalds

And now i eat their fries when im hallow
Cause they called call it a happy meal what i swallowed
They assicoated it with my feelings to get a few dollars more

moneys a social contruct what someones willing to spend
I dont work cause im not dealing with the demands
Makes me feel less of a human being
Jobs that treat employees like a new machine

Mental health acting up excuse me please
I live with my parents moneys useless to me
If i was on my own and bills made me refuse to leave
Id be in the mental hosipital every two to three weeks

Autism really hurt my chance to compete
Look what the lazy sterotype done to me
And still the world silently judges me
And if you think less of me thats fucking lovely

Why do we judge ourselves by a paycheck
If you know me im laid back
dating like finding a needle in a haystack
potential partners hate i dont take crap

Why cant positive traits be the deciding factors
Why is it laughed at that ima rapper
I dont fit in this world im trying to adapt here
But the way i think is it that weird?

Why is money the reason someones successful
i work harder than a lot with just an instrumental
Time isnt wasted because it bring me happiness
Thats why life is about, make it the best that it is

i dont mean to bring up any jeallousness
Maybe im just a spoiled brat tell it how it is
id work when my emotional mind lets me
Doing youtube sometimes even is stressing

Why is tabo to be unemployeed though
It gave me insecurities unavoidable
I got a disability why do i gottta to explain for
I hate corperations and I hate being manipulated more

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