David Wilkerson Prophecy - The Vision God Gave About America And The World.

8 months ago

#Prophecy #DavidWilkerson #TheVision
A prophetic vision concerning the spiritual future of America and the state of the world, the late Rev. David Wilkerson preached shared what he called "The Vision," in April of 1973. In this high-quality David Wilkerson prophecy sermons, you'll hear what God showed David Wilkerson concerning a future that mirrors end times prophecy foretold in the Bible.

Many recognize Pastor David Wilkerson’s vision as a sort of "Warning from God dream," a prophecy warning of future events, which now appear to be playing out.

#supernatural #Warning
#vision #BibleProphecy

ABOUT: Pastor David Wilkerson (May 19, 1931 – April 27, 2011)

The late David Wilkerson has become synonymous with passionate proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit-Filled Christian encouragement toward deeper spirituality. Over the course of 50 years in Christian ministry, Wilkerson was blessed was used for the work of God, including: serving as the founding pastor of Times Square Church in New York City; founder of Teen Challenge; and authoring popular Christian books, such as: The Cross & The Switchblade and The Vision.

During his ministry there were several times that God gave Rev. Wilkerson prophetic visions (through prayer), including the "1973 Prophecy The Vision David Wilkerson," concerning America's future and "David Wilkerson Prophecy 1986 New York," concerning a great apostasy in the last days. David Wilkerson shared both prophecies, after much prayer, as he believed that they were messages that the Lord had given for the Church to be prepared in the last days. The heart of these bible prophecy visions is a call for the Church to stay close to God, especially as the day of the Lord's return approaches.

“Used for the work of God,” is critical to describing Wilkerson’s ministry, because it was not for human accomplishment or accolades that Wilkerson did the things he did. Central to David Wilkerson’s ministry was what he described as living a life anointed in the waters of baptism of anguish.

In one of his most well-known sermons ( • Call To Anguish! David Wilkerson ), “A Call to Anguish,” David Wilkerson articulated his Christian theological belief that it was only through our obtaining a shared oneness with the anguish of God of for the lost, that one could we ever be effective servants of Jesus Christ. Pastor Wilkerson underscored his sincerity in this belief, telling is congregation in September 2002, “I’ve never had anything that’s been any worth to God in my 50 years that wasn’t born in agony. Never!”

For Wilkerson, a call to anguish starts with genuine, repentant prayer. Wilkerson believed that “true prayer life begins at the place of anguish, a place where lifetime decisions are made,” and that when a man or woman sets their heart to prayer, “God is going to come and start sharing his heart with you.”

The legacy of David Wilkerson, born out of the heart of God, lives on at Times Square Church (TSC) in New York City, where His passion to disciple believers in Christ; to build up strong Christian leaders; and to care for the poor remains at central to the mission of TSC.

TSC – Permission/Use of Material
This David Wilkerson sermon has been posted for the purpose of proclaiming the Gospel and providing Christian encouragement. It has been published with written permission of Time Square Church.

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