A Preview of an Upcoming Baby Chic Project!

7 months ago

We have 5 hens that are Rhode Island Reds. They have never been around Roosters so it's safe to assume they would not know how to care for a clutch of fertilized eggs as they've never needed to. They have recently been exposed to dating Roosters, 😂, so they have started laying fertilized eggs. Then they're hopping out of their laying boxes and back to the pastures to graze. SO I purchased an incubator. I'm going to see about hatching out some fertile eggs! Primarily to get more baby chics without having to depend on the commercial hatcheries. Plus, I can trade the baby chics we don't need should there become a serious shortage of chickens in the future. I've finally got my 'clutch' in the house and will begin the process soon! They can go 10-12 days without being sat on & tended by a hen so I'll get this going soon!

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