Chief Fast Horse outlines our times for Independence Day - July 4, 2024

6 months ago

Fluid Vision World on 2024-07-03 has a discussion with Chief Fast Horse, leader of The Lakota Nation. Chief Fast Horse outlines our times for Independence Day, July 4, 2024 a multi-dimensional, relationship with Earth, relationship with our fellow human and what we need to know to align with our current changes.

First Nations presents State of the Nation - July 2024 with Chief Fast Horse, Chief and Commander, Republic of Lakota Nation, Sioux Nation Tribes.

Indigenous peoples have occupied this great Country for over fifteen thousand years. Explorer’s looking for more land to conquer, arrived to discover the Americas. Colonists attempted to take over this great country
or their own purposes, enacting a plan to eliminate the original occupants by genocide.

Unbeknownst to the general public, today a plan called Agenda 2030, attempts to carry out a similar plan.

In 1876, The Great Sioux Nation defended an attack by General Armstrong Custer, which was a breach of treaty and a breach of trust.

When the Sioux Nation defeated General Custer at 'The Battle of Little Big Horn' and 'took the Flag', 'the Rule of Soil' meant the“Victor” takes back the land and all upon it.

In a lawful stroke of poetic justice and to protect all Americans from the same fate of Genocide that was forced upon fifty million original inhabitant’s by the colonists,

The Republic of Lakota Nation has exercised their victory regaining their original land back in rightful possession. This ensures a bright future in defeat of tyranny and evil agenda.

Chief Fast Horse
July 2024

Visit: for more information about The Lakota Nation and its goals to bring harmony back to our Mother Earth.

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