Prophet Julie Green - You Have Entered a Time When Things Will No Longer Be the Same - Captions

8 months ago

In this prophecy, God reveals that a time of great change and revelation is upon us. He warns that many things believed to be true are actually false, and that a great shaking will take place within the church. God promises to distinguish his children from the world and pour out his glory. He also predicts the downfall of globalist leaders and the exposure of their plans, as well as significant events in various areas such as Argentina, the oil industry, and the Biden family. The prophecy ends with a warning of judgment and a call to brace for the change that is coming.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


Today’s Scriptures:

Isa. 54:17
Isa. 41:12
Ex. 1:7-14
Matt. 12:25
Mark 3:25
Ex. 3:7-14, 19-22
Heb. 13:8
Ex. 7:1-5, 13
2 Cor. 5:7
Ex. 8:1, 20, 23
Ex. 9:1, 4, 6-7, 13-14, 22-35
Ex. 10:1-3, 7
Ex. 11:1
Eph. 4:11-13
Hos. 4:6
John 17:16

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COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


Good morning, everybody. Today is Friday and it's June 21st of 2024. It's Friday already. And so hope all of you are having a great day and then we'll have a wonderful and blast weekend. Now, this morning while I was getting ready for this live show, the Lord had actually given me another prophetic word.

It was really about people and stress and pressure and overwhelming circumstances. And so again, I want to change things up a little bit before I get to the other prophetic word that I have today I just want to just feel impressed and pray for people Because there are overwhelming. There's a lot of spirit of heaviness There is things that are going on that are just frustrating people And I just want to pray that you are free to receive the word you're free to receive You What God has in store for you today free to receive what God is doing in your life and what he wants to do For so many people but just like what he was giving us at the holy ghost and fire event for me to pray for was that people are free to receive Because so many people are bogged down with all the cares and all the stress and all the worries And anxieties of the world That they're not able to freely receive from God And so that's what we have to take This is part of our strategy of war where we are fighting against everything that the enemy is doing against us And one of the things he's trying to do remember is he's trying to steal your joy We're supposed to protect our joy.

Remember he's trying to steal our joy To keep our goods because he's been stealing so much from God's people. He's been stealing your joy He's been stealing your peace. He's been stealing your things that are going on in your life with your family your finances Whatever it is He's been trying to steal it from you and God's saying that we're supposed to protect our joy If we're protecting our joy, then satan can't keep what he's been stealing From us because we will have that strength in order to fight in this battle We will have that strength that wisdom and knowledge understanding that we know how to fight against our enemy To to plunder his camp and to take back what rightfully?

Belongs to us because I know even with our team or even myself and people that I know friends and family There is that pressure to steal your joy to get hurt to get offended I'm telling you christian christians can hurt people more than the world can hurt people. I think sometimes So we have to be very careful on how we respond to these situations and to these people.

So I just want to pray for each and every one of you. Heavenly father, right now in Jesus name, you know, their hurts, you know, their cares, you know, what's going on in our life. You know, their circumstances, you know, that pressure or that pain or the overwhelming of that just. That struggle that they're dealing with right now to keep that joy.

Well, right now, by the blood of Jesus, my authority, that name, I break every assignment from the pit of hell against your body, father God, against your people. We render it helpless because it says in your word, no weapon formed against them shall prosper. So I thank you, father God, they know how to keep their peace.

They know how to keep their peace. That joy, and we thank you that everything that's trying to attack it is destroyed and annihilated because you said in your word, father, God, that our enemies have been disarmed. You also said in your word that the enemies have been brought to nothing. So I thank you right now for in the impartation of joy, the impartation of peace right now, father got in their hearts that that way their eyes are open and their hearts are softened and they're able.

To receive this word, but able to receive revelation knowledge, able to receive what you have and store for them each and every day. And we thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen. And amen. Again, I just, I was just so overwhelmed by that today. That so many people are burdened down because God said at times we're going to be dark and they have been The pressure is building on God's people to give in and to quit and to just be so overwhelmed That they stop fighting.

They they they give in that God's gonna do anything They give in And quit and they surrender to that pressure of the adversary. This is where we are You This is where when God said things, everything that can be shaken will be, we are in the shaking and it's intensifying. God said that people were going to be going through a darkness.

The world was going to go through a dark time. Things were going to get worse before they got better. This is part of that darkness that we've been talking about. The darkness to overwhelm you, to get you discouraged, to get you to give up and quit on the things of God. To stop trusting in God, to stop believing, stop hoping in God that he's going to do anything for you or anything for your nation.

This is a time of a great separation. He's distinguishing us. And in that separation, things are uncomfortable. Things can get hard. Things can be overwhelming. And so we have to fight off that pressure. We have to fight off and not receive anything that Satan is trying to To put on any of us, no matter what circumstance that it is, no matter what in situation it is, God is saying he's bigger than that.

We have to remind ourselves that we serve a bigger God than our problems. We have to remind ourselves that not only do we serve a bigger God, but he's a faithful God and not only is a faithful God, but he's a good God. And if he's a good God, if anything is bad in your life, God will turn it in to something.

Good. And so that is where we are right now in the body of Christ. There are days I'm telling you I have to I have to have my team Encourage me at times too because the enemy wants to just pile on So many things for so many people And it's it's easy to get discouraged. It's easy to get frustrated.

It's easy to get overwhelmed. It's easy to be offended. It's easy to get angry. It's easy to be hurt by what others have done to you. It's easy, but God is saying that is where he's strengthening. He's perfecting us. He's making us stronger than we were before we ever went into this. And I know from hearing from people in their emails and reaching out to us, we're seeing in the chats and the comment sections.

That people are awakening. They're having greater fellowship with God. They're spending more time with him. They're getting greater revelation and they're understanding the word of God more. They're understanding that authority. They're understanding that faith like they never have before. So you see, like we were going through all the events stuff yesterday and everything that went right, but there was things that went wrong and it's easy to look at all the wrong things and get frustrated with those wrong things.

But then we turned it to let's focus on all the awesome things that God did Let's not focus and magnify everything that satan wants to get focused on Let's magnify on what God did And what God did for our team what God did for each and every one of you that were there What God did for people online we're still getting in praise reports from that And the enemy wants you always to focus on everything that's wrong.

And he's, we got to stop magnifying the problem, stop magnifying what the enemy is doing on a continual basis. And start magnifying everything that God has already done and God has promised that he will do Because he is faithful. He will do these things. He will not fail. He will not let us down Because he is El elyon, he's the most high God He's a God that's greater than anything that we see that anything that we're facing and he's promised that he will be that deliverer He's promised that he's that promised keeper and he's also the way maker So I hope this, that part is this first segment has really encouraged you today because I, I do feel in my heart that people really needed to hear that encouragement.

Okay. So in this prophetic word that I'm going to give out this morning,

and this one is from the 15th of June. Okay, this one is from the 15th of June. Let me get this here so I can see it.

All right, here we go. And this one is called, You've Entered a Time Where Things Will No Longer Be the Same. This is the, what the prophecy is called. The Lord had me name it. You've entered a time where things will no longer be the same and this was from June 15th My children you have entered a time where things will no longer be the same Normal will no longer be normal things you thought were true Are not things you thought were real are fake and many things you have even believed from some churches About me is not who I Am or how I work at all.

I have had many teachers, prophets, evangelists, apostles, and pastors that have belonged to me that were persecuted, ridiculed, falsely accused, and rejected by my body. And great vindication is coming, and great changes will take place in churches. I will show my power with undeniable miracles for the ones that I have really chosen.

No one who chose to be behind a pulpit when they were never meant to be there, ones who were called by me but deny my power will be judged. A great shaking will take place in my body and those who believed a lie will see the truth some will begin to believe me instead of being deceived Those who believe the truth will receive even more from me More power more glory and more of my blessing i've told you my children repeatedly I will greatly distinguish my children from the world the world will know who my children are And who are not that separation has already begun, but soon it'll be very clear and more obvious as things grow closer to the end of this Babylonian system.

You will know who I really am and what I Am willing to do for my children.

I Am a promise keeper. I Am still a miracle worker. I'm still a healer and I'm still a deliverer. So get ready my children the great showdown has begun And your enemy's defeat will be seen and soon will be celebrated for what I the lord will do for you To bring great restoration to this land and my children across the nations.

It's* your* time It's all *yours;* and some may be asking What lord is ours? Everything upon this earth has already been given to you You Been given to you read what my word really says and not when someone else's take on it Really read and see what I have given to you as your inheritance Then take all that belongs to you.

It's that easy.

It's that time for my children to shine their light and destroy the great darkness that has been upon this earth. Get ready because I Am ready to pour out my glory. saith the Lord of hosts.

There is more to Klaus Schwab and his abrupt resignation. You will hear the truth. And see why so many have left their positions. As I've told you that they would not leave by their own choice. But I will soon show the world what happened to them all. Some will remain silent. Many will be surprised at how many are silent now, even though it may not appear that way.

Something similar has taken place to George Soros. Many of the elites and the globalist leaders are no longer leaders and no longer in control. Many changes have been made to these societies and people in charge. Their power has been shaken and the ruling class will continue to realize they no longer have their power or resources to rule.

They are in for a very big surprise. My children, their time on the world stage controlling everything like their own board game and controlling the world population like their own pawns. All of this is coming crashing down right before your very eyes, saith the Lord of hosts.

Watch Argentina something surprising will take place there that will get the world's attention There will be another country that their government will be shaken and will collapse My children I told you their governments wouldn't last who are against me saith the Lord

There is more going on with oil that they are trying to keep hidden that was designed to take out the American economy I will show you this will not go as your enemies or your government designed. I will show you their plans and that they will all fail and Everyone involved will be judged for what they have tried to do Against my land. Their economy....

what a joke! I will show you my children. What a real scam It all really was a Ponzi scheme on a world scale designed to change Whenever they wanted to steal from you and to control this nation and others around the world I'm about to empty many of these nations and the world leaders accounts No, it's not false.

And yes, this is true. I have done it before and I will do it again, saith the Lord.

A sandstorm will make the news big time. Unusual, they will say. And some will say, unprecedented, I will show you signs of judgment and people will know that I Am still the great I Am My children, brace for the change that is coming. Brace for the judgment that is coming. Your enemies are coming down. And so is everything they designed against you,

saith the Lord, your Redeemer. Then I also heard these words later on after that. James Biden will be in your news for a significant reason. Many secrets are about to be secret no more that will shake the Bidens to their core.

Sandusky, this name will be in your news for a surprising reason. The auto industry will be in your news for a shocking reason. Apollo, this name will be in your news for a significant reason.

The West Wing will be in your news for an unusual reason. Things are not how they appear to be in that house. The Situation Room is about to be in your news big time. So those are the things that I heard after the prophetic word. Now, when I was going through what the Lord wanted me to teach today regarding this prophetic word, it probably won't be a surprise to many of you, but he had me back.

In the book of Exodus for a reason and he took me to exodus now, I want to start, you know what I'm going to start here in exodus chapter one and verse nine exodus chapter one. You know what? Verse seven exodus chapter one and verse seven, the descendants of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly.

They multiplied and grew exceedingly strong and the land was full of them. Verse eight. Now a new king arose over Egypt. Who did not know Joseph. So this is really important to know because the Pharaoh before this one knew Joseph and he made Joseph the second in command. And so again, they did not treat the the Israelites The way this new pharaoh was going to treat them and this is why verse nine He said to his people behold The israelites are too many and too mighty for us And they outnumber us both in people and in strength God has been showing us This is very significant to what we are seeing and what we are facing now.

The enemies know that we were more in number, and they also know that we are mightier than they are. They may not want to admit that, but neither did Pharaoh. Pharaoh didn't, he admitted it to maybe his people, but he didn't admit it to the Israelites. So there are some things that are going on in governments all around the world that you do not know all about, but God is showing us right here.

That the enemies are petrified of God's people, and they're petrified of their strength, and they're petrified of their number. That's why they've done everything to infiltrate us, they've done everything to weaken us, they've done everything to bring fear, they've done everything to divide. Why? Because a house divided against itself cannot stand.

So you had this powerful Pharaoh petrified of God's people.

Verse 10 Come, let us deal shrewdly with them, lest they multiply more, and should war befall us, they will join our enemies, fight against us, and escape out of our land. That is what our enemies are petrified of is that that we start unifying not only the body of Christ We start unifying the people across the nations and we unify against them Then they're saying war will befall us and we will lose our power The enemies are most petrified of losing their power and losing control of the people Well, you can already see that they're starting to lose their narrative and they're losing the control of the people and more people are turning away from them in droves.

God has talked about that already. So you see why they're petrified. It's their power. It's their position. It's their control over the masses. They want to keep that control because they keep that control they can keep Their bondage and they can keep the slavery and they can keep staying in their positions of power That's what they care about money and power.

Look what this what it says here in verse 11 So they said over the israelites taskmasters and afflicted oppressed them and increased burdens in the On the israelites and built the python and ramesses as a store cities for pharaoh You So part of this whole entire thing was he set taskmasters and oppressors over them to do what?

To burden them. So the last several years, many people have been more burdened, overwhelmed than any other time that they have ever experienced in their life. It's that burden. It's that overwhelming. Of hopelessness and despair that you're seeing your freedoms being taken away. You're seeing your family's being divided.

You see your finances being destroyed because of inflation and taxation. And so you're seeing people and their, their, their bodies being destroyed medically because of everything that they're putting in people, whether it be food, whether it be shots, no matter what it is, they're being destroyed. There is a burden on people mentally.

There's a burden on people physically. There's a burden on people financially. There's a burden on people every area of their life. This is also what happened right there in that time where the children of Israel were in the land of Egypt. That's why God has been saying this for, to me, I've been preaching this for about 14 years or longer about how God wants to have a greater Exodus because he wants to set his people completely free so we can freely serve God.

We've not been able to freely serve God because so many people are on antidepressants and anxiety medications and they're on all these different medications for all these different ailments that are going wrong in their body. And so when they're burning down their minds, they're burning down their bodies, they're burning down their bodies and people are burning down financially.

You're burning down financially and then you're burning down on all these different things. And so you're constantly stressed out. You're constantly burdened. You're constantly weighed down. So if you're constantly in that situation and you're in that type of state, then you're not able to freely serve God with a joyful heart.

That's the difference.

So when we're seeing all these things that are going on around the world This is just a strategy and a tactic of our enemy. And this has been happened and been done in times past. So let's look at verse 12, but the more the Egyptians oppressed them, the more they multiplied and expanded. So that the egyptians were vexed and alarmed because the israelites so you gotta think here for a minute So I got my camera's messing up again the egyptians The more they oppressed guys people they realized some of the things that they were doing to them Wasn't working and so that made pharaoh even more anxious And more angry and went after God's people more.

So right now in the last several years, even though they brought burden to so many people, they brought fear and anxiety to levels that they've never seen and experienced before. Some of God's people are still standing. Some of God's people are still banding together. We are multiplying and they are even more angry.

And that's why you've seen the more things that they've done against us. God warned us about this. Verse 14. Oh, sorry, verse 13 first. Sorry, verse 13. Exodus 1, verse 13. And the Egyptians reduced the Israelites To severe slavery. Why do you think that they did that to them? They put them on a severe slavery.

So they were in chained. They were hopeless They were put in such despair that they would not fight them back And that's what they wanted us in a position Where we would be so full of despair and so full of hopelessness that we would not fight them back

verse 14 They made their lives bitter With hard service and mortar brick and all kinds of work in the field and all their service was harsh You Ness and severity. So before God brought his people out It was they were under a harshness and severity because the oppressors and their taskmasters But look what God says

in chapter 3

chapter 3 in verse 7 Exodus chapter 3 and verse 7 and it says the Lord said I have surely seen the affliction on my people who are in Egypt And I have heard their cry because their taskmasters and oppressors for I know their sorrows and their sufferings and their trials God knows the sorrows God knows the suffering God knows the trials God knows exactly What our enemies have done to us, but so it's good that we know that God knows But then he goes farther verse 8 and I will come down to deliver them out of the hand and power of the Egyptians And to bring them up out of the land so the land a good land a large land flowing with milk and honey a Land a plenty in the land of the Canaanite the Hittite the Amorite and the Jebusite now again He's telling them about the promised land and he's saying, I'm going to deliver you out of this burden and out of the hands of these oppressors and taskmasters and I'm going to bring you to a land which you're free flowing with milk and honey and there's plenty of everything.

Verse 9, Now behold the cry, the Israelites have come to me and I have seen how the Egyptians oppress them. Verse 10, Come now, therefore, I will send you to Pharaoh, that you may bring forth my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt. Verse 11, And Moses said to God, Who am I, that I shall go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?

Verse 12, God said, I will surely be with you. Remember, God's with us. And God is with the ones who he has chosen to be God's mouthpieces. At that time, Moses was that mouthpiece. And we said and I'll be with you and this shall be assigned to you that I have sent you when you have brought the People out of egypt.

You shall serve God on this mountain or sion. So at sinai so mount sinai So he's supposed to bring him out of egypt and then go to mount sinai and then it says Verse 14 and God said to moses. I Am who I Am and I what I Am I will be But what I will be he said you shall say to the israelites. I Am Has sent me To you that's the first time he introduced himself as the great I Am now There's a reason for that.

I want you guys to turn to now, of course, it says later on in verse chapter 3 and verse 19 And I know that the king of egypt will not let you go unless forced to do so No, not maya by by a mighty hand So that meant Pharaoh was not going to let God's people go by natural strength, natural ability, and just by Moses saying, let God's people go.

It was going to have to be by a mighty hand, which was God's hand, forcing Pharaoh to let his people go. Then he says in verse 20, so I will stretch out my hand and smite Egypt with all my wonders, which I will do in it. After that he will let you go. So he was going to show again He's going to show pharaoh in all of egypt that he was a great.

I Am he's going to show him all the mighty powers And wonders because what he was going to do with the plagues because they were not going to let guys people go unless forced Then it says in verse 21, I will give this people favor and respect in the sight of the Egyptians And it shall be that when you go you shall not go out empty handed.

That was so Important to God. He did not want them to go out empty handed because they didn't go into Egypt empty handed They went into Egypt rich and they went out of Egypt even richer than they were before And every damage and all the damage that the Egyptians did to God's people, all that was reversed.

That is important, how you see that, how God is. It wasn't that, not just that they were free, but that, that they were retroactively restored of everything that had been stolen from them. Verse 22, but every woman shall insistently solicit of her neighbor and of her that may be residing at her house of jewels, articles of silver and gold and garments, which you shall put on your sons and daughters and you shall strip the Egyptians of belongings due to you.

So you shall strip the Egyptians of the belongings due to you. So it's very important that we get what belongs to us. God is the same God. Yesterday, today, and forever. God doesn't change. So how he sees what we're going through right now, He sees what we're He sees what's going on in the nations. He sees the oppressors.

He sees the taskmasters. He's seeing what they have stolen from you, what they have burdened you down with. And God is saying, not only have I seen you, and I've seen what's been going on, I Am going to come down like I did before. I'm going to stretch out my hand, and I Am going to remove them, and I Am going to destroy everything that they have done to you.

It's important for God's people to go back into the word, see what God did in the past when God's people were under burden and they were under great oppression. You have to see what's on the heart of God and what God does about it. He doesn't leave you in that position. The prophecy that I had earlier this morning, that I did not give out this morning, but a prophecy that I received this morning that I'll give out sometime next week.

You He shows you why some of these things happened. And he was very specific about why some of these things happen. And I don't know how easy it's going to be for me to read that one. I'm just going to tell you, you might, I don't know. It's, it was hard to hear it. So I have a feeling it's going to be hard for me to speak it.

All right. Now in Exodus chapter seven, Exodus chapter seven, verse one, and it says, the Lord said to Moses, behold, I will make you as a God to Pharaoh. Well, that's going to ruffle some religious leaders right now. Look at what God, this is what God said. I will make you a God to Pharaoh to declare my will and purpose to him.

And Aaron, your brother shall be your prophet. Now, Moses had a stuttering problem. So Aaron was with, and I didn't know that. But Aaron, when Aaron was with Moses, Aaron did a lot of the speaking. That's why he said, Moses, Aaron will be your prophet. So, he was going to get what God's word was specifically saying for that very day and that very hour, and Aaron was going to boldly say it.

So again, it's that boldness when you need freedom from an oppressor, from a king, from a ruler, from a president, or whatever it is, a ruling government, you need God's word for that very day and that very hour. And again, when there are some people that think that our prophets aren't important today, God has always used prophets in times of darkness, times of struggle, times where God's people needed to hear what God was saying for that very moment in time, for them to grab a hold of that trust, grab a hold of that faith, grab a hold of that hope that God was giving to them.

God will always give you a word of hope. He will always give you a good report. You know, it looks like everything else is going on. That's opposite. He's not going to go along with the world and what the world is saying. He's going to go cross grain because he's going to give you something that you need to hold on to and walk by faith and not by sight.

That's that part of fighting that good fire faith and trusting in God. So again, verse two of chapter seven, Exodus chapter seven, Verse 2, You shall speak all that I command you. Aaron your brother shall tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go out of his hand. Now verse 3, I will make Pharaoh's heart stubborn and hard.

Hold on a minute. You're telling us. I'm sure Moses and Aaron probably asked this question. You're telling us to go to Pharaoh to let your people go That's what you're telling us to say and then now all of a sudden God you're telling us that you're gonna harden Pharaoh's heart so you're gonna make it burdensome and harder for us and Your people but look at why

and I will multiply my signs my wonders and miracles in the land of egypt So in the time where it looks the darkest in the time where it looks more oppressive In the time where it looks like there is more frustration in the time where it looks like it's just so overwhelming God said i'm going to show the signs to your enemies and i'm going to show the signs to you to my people Who I really am So again, his hand is in representation of this hand is judgment on one party, and then his hand is also blessing to another, because he greatly distinguished his people.

And he brought that retribution. Remember that full justice rests with God? So he was bringing judgment on his people. To bring justice and to bring God's people out and not only out of there, but out of there with everything that belonged to them. So justice was going to be served.

Verse four, but Pharaoh will not listen to you. I'm sure that was awesome for Pharaoh for Moses to hear pay Pharaoh Moses. I'm going to send you an errand there and he's not going to listen to you. That's a, that's a hard assignment. I'm sure when Moses first heard that God said, I'm gonna send you to Pharaoh.

I'm sure he thought right away. Oh great I'm gonna go there I'm gonna say let my people God's people go and then it was just it was just gonna be that easy But then he was hearing the real assignment and a prophet's assignment It's not always an easy assignment. It's usually extremely hard. It truly is.

And when God has assigned people to certain things, the struggles are hard for that person or, you know, for God's people in that particular time, when there is a prophecy, you'll be guaranteed that there's going to be a fight. In order for that not to come to pass because prophecy, when it's been said, people think prophecy is automatic.

There's a prophecy. That's good for some people. And you think automatically, well, that prophet was wrong or that prophecy didn't happen the way it was supposed to happen because that didn't happen. No, no, no. People have their own free will. I know that God has given prophecies to people and it didn't come to pass because they didn't take it.

They didn't believe it. They didn't receive it. And so it didn't happen. Well, then people say, well, that person was wrong. No, it's because when you hear a prophecy, you have to take it, believe it, receive it, and then start expecting it to come to pass. We also have a part to play in it. Now if we keep reading in Exodus chapter 7 and verse Well, let's continue to read in verse 4 but Pharaoh will not listen to you and I will lay my hand on Egypt and bring my armies and my people and the children of Israel out of that land of Egypt by great Judgment.

So again, he wanted to show Egypt He was the one true God so that once his people were let out of Egypt that they would never Never be under that type of oppression from them They would never be under that type of subjection that they would never be under the hand of Pharaoh again Verse 5 and the Egyptians shall know that I Am the Lord when I stretch out my hand And, I'm going to stretch out my hand on Egypt and bring out the children of Israel from among them.

So, this is what God was saying, I'm going to show my hand, even though his heart is going to be stubborn, he's not going to let my people go when I say to, I'm going to show him. That I Am the one true God and every God they served is nothing compared to me. And I'm also going to show my children that and my people that I can be trusted.

And that I Am the great I Am. So when they come up against adversity again, they will know who I really am. So it was twofold. God was showing the enemy who he really was, and he was showing his people who he really was. And then you can see if you jump down to verse 13 of chapter 7, and it says, And Pharaoh's heart grew hard, and he did not heed them, as the Lord had said.

So God had warned them times were going to get tough, and Pharaoh was going to get nasty. Just like God has warned us. The times were going to get tough and they were going to get nasty. And we've already started to see certain things that they've already done since God started speaking. Now, if we look at in chapter eight, chapter eight and verse one, then the Lord said to Moses, go to Pharaoh and say to him, thus says the Lord, let my people go, why?

So they may freely serve me again. Don't forget that part. God wants his people to be set free so they can freely serve him. They can serve him with joy. They can serve him with peace. They can serve him with strength. They can serve him with health and their bodies, health and their mind. Freedom, true and utter freedom.

That's on the heart of God. You turn to Exodus 8 and verse 20. Exodus 8 and verse 20. This is after the, you know, this is after the third plague, which was lice. Then the Lord said to Moses, Rise up early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh as he comes forward to the water and say to him, Thus says the Lord, let my people go that they may serve me.

He says it again. Let my people go so they may freely serve me. Verse 23, chapter eight, verse 23, I will put a division and a sign of deliverance between my people and your people by tomorrow that shall be a sign or that shall be a sign and evidence. This was a plague. This was a fourth plague of flies.

So now he's talking about the great distinction again. So our Exodus eight, verse 23. I will put a division and a sign of deliverance between my people and your people. By tomorrow shall this sign be in evidence. So when he was talking about the flies, this is when you're going to see flies onto the Egyptians and everywhere and everything, but you're not going to see one fly over here in Goshen.

And if you go read in verse chapter nine and verse one, then the Lord said to Moses, go to Pharaoh and tell him, thus says the Lord of the Hebrews, let my people go that they may serve me. He says it again. Now, this is regarding the fifth plague, which is the animals, the livestock dying, okay? And if you look down to verse 4, again he says this, But the Lord shall make a distinction between the livestock of Israel and the livestock of Egypt, and nothing shall die of all that belongs to the Israelites.

If you jump down to verse six and the lord did that the next day and all the kinds of lives like of egypt died So this was part of that play. This was part of their judgment and all of their food supply dried up It died all of egypt All their food supply was destroyed,

but all the livestock of the Israelites, not one died. Why do you think they were judged with livestock?

You have to realize that they were in control of everything. I'm sure they were, they were in control of the food and how much food the Israelites got. Every judgment was something again, you reap a harvest that you have sown. And so as in representation of what they did in the harshness and what they did to God's people, it was going to be back onto them, harshness and calamity, death, destruction, because that's what they did to God's people.

So if you look Pharaoh's heart was hardened. His mind and his set and he did not let God's people go so even after the fifth plague He still refused and if you go to verse 13 of chapter 9, this was Well, this this was the seventh plague. This was the hail The hail that turned into fire. Verse 13, Then the Lord said to Moses, Rise up early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh and say to him, Thus says the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, Let my people go that they may serve me.

He said it again. Verse 14, For this time I will send out my plagues upon your heart and upon your servants and your people that they may recognize and know that there is none like me in all of the earth. He was showing me. God's people and God was also showing the enemies of almighty God. There is no one like God.

And you got to think of all these things that happened to let God's people go. They were unconventional and they were unprecedented.

Things like this had never happened before. I've never seen these kind of things before. They were unprecedented and unconventional. If you jump down to verse 22, the Lord said to Moses, stretch forth your hand toward the heavens and there will be hail in all the land of Egypt, upon man and beast and upon all the vegetation of the field throughout the land of Egypt.

So it affected every part of their life.

Verse 23, that Moses stretched forth his rod toward the heavens and the Lord sent thunder and hail and fire and lightning ran down and among all the ground and the Lord sent Rained hail upon the land of Egypt. Verse 24. So there was hail and fire flashing continuously in the midst of the weight weighty hail.

So this was large hail. He said, weighty hail, such as had not been in the land of Egypt since it became. So this was very important to realize that they had never seen anything like it. It was unprecedented. Sometimes God has to show things that are unprecedented or unconventional to get His people's attention, but also get the attention of the enemy.

They can't explain it away.

So if you jump down to verse 26, And only in the land of Goshen, where the Israelites were, were there was no hail. So again, there was a great divide. Between what was going on with the Egyptians and what was going on in the land of Goshen. And Pharaoh sent for Moses and Aaron and said to them, I have sinned this time.

The Lord is in the right and I Am, my people are in the wrong. So all of a sudden you think by this time, Pharaoh, it sounds like he's going to let God's people go. And treat the Lord that they may no longer be the mighty thundering in hell, for it is enough. I will let you, let you go and you shall not stay any longer.

Verse 29, So Moses said to him, As soon as I have gone out of the city, I will spread out my hands to the Lord, and the thunder will cease, and there will be no more hail, and that you may know that the earth is the Lord's. So he's proving that it wasn't Pharaoh, that Pharaoh was not a God, it was not any of the Gods that they served, it wasn't their earth, it was the one true God.

Verse 30, But as for you and your servants, I know that you will not perish. Fear the Lord God. So Moses was saying to Pharaoh. I know that you're saying this now, but you are not fearing God enough You're gonna turn and you're gonna go back to your wicked ways And that's exactly what happened if you see in verse 31 Not a flax and barley were struck for the barley was in the head and the flax was in the bud verse 32 But the wheat and the splint spelt were not struck for they are late crops verse 33 So Moses went out of the city from Pharaoh spread out his hands the Lord prayed Then the thunder and the hail ceased and the rain was not poured out on the earth.

So the hail stopped. So you think when the hail stopped and they got reprieved, you think, okay, I'm smart enough. I'm not going to mess with this God or his people anymore. But he wasn't. And when Pharaoh saw that the rain, this is verse 34, the rain and the hail and the thunder had ceased and he sinned yet more.

And he hardened his heart and he and his servants. Verse 35, so the heart of the Pharaoh was hard, neither would he let the children of Israel go, and the Lord had spoken to Moses. So again, God warned Moses, and he warned Aaron of this very thing. 10, in verse 1, Exodus 10 verse 1 says, The Lord said to Moses, Go to Pharaoh, for I have made his heart hard, and his servants hearts, that I may show these, these my signs of divine power.

Before them so I can show my divine power What is God getting ready to do to show his divine? Power before the enemies of almighty God. He's showing his divine power before his children.

I gotta go faster verse three so moses and aaron went to pharaoh and said to him thus said the lord God of the hebrews How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me? Let my people go that they may serve me How long is it gonna take and how much is gonna happen to happen against you if you read down in verse 7 and pharaoh's servants now pharaoh's servants are finally getting a clue pharaoh wasn't but pharaoh's servants were finally getting a clue and you can see it here in Verse 7 and pharaoh's servants said to him how long shall this man be a snare to us?

Let the man go that they may serve the Lord their God Do you not yet understand and know that Egypt Is destroyed. So the servants of Pharaoh were getting that revelation. This God of the Hebrews is more powerful than anything we serve. And they're destroyed. He's destroying our nation. Don't you see, let them go so we can, you know, try to figure out and save anything that's left.

But you know that doesn't happen and you know in verse 11 chapter 11, verse 1, the death of the firstborn and the Moses and the Lord said to Moses, I'll bring one more plague on Pharaoh and all the Egypt after word, he will let you go from here. So God was warning him all along. Don't be moved.

Pharaoh's going to harden his heart, but he's going to have to let you go. And then all of a sudden the 10th plague. And chapter 11, verse 1 says, look, after this last plague, he will let you go. And then he did. And you go and see what happens, he lets them go, they get all the silver, they get all the gold, they get all the silk, they get all the jewels, they get everything that the Egyptians had.

God's people plundered the Egyptians and they walked out free. There was no feeble. So they were not sick. They were not fearful. They were not stressed. They weren't like anything that they were dealing with all those things under the hands of the taskmasters. They were set free. Well, then you see the Red Sea, they freak out because they see Pharaoh again, Pharaoh comes and God has his way where Pharaoh and all of Egypt, all of his chariots, all of his army was destroyed right in front of God's people.

We're coming into a very pivotal moment, just like he says in the very beginning of this prophetic word, and I'm going to go back over it.

I had to go over that much of what happened in the book of Exodus compared to what we are about to see now. We've seen so many things we've endured long and hardships and the oppression and all these things have been going on. And you're seeing why. They're doing it to you.

You'll see why it's taking. It looks like it's taking so long because God has got to show them no matter what you serve, I'm bigger than that. And he has to show his people that he's still the one true God. He's still the God over all the earth. He's still the God of the impossible. Again, you've entered a time, my children, you have entered a time where things will no longer be the same.

God saying, It's going to get uncomfortable. It's not going to be the same. Things are going to change. Some people don't like change. That's why for some people who don't like change, when things start to change, it's going to get uncomfortable. And for the enemies of Almighty God, it's going to get really uncomfortable.

Just like it did for Pharaoh and all of Egypt. Normal will no longer be normal. Again, people want to go, just, I want to go back to normal. I want to go back to normal. God's saying that was not a normal that we were supposed to live anyway. That was the world's normal. That was not God's normal for you.

Things you thought were true are not. A lot of people believing what they're hearing on the news. I don't know how people are believing the news at all anymore. I know you guys are smarter than that. They're not, I mean, it's ridiculous how much they lie. There's so much disinformation. There's so many things that people truly are believing are true and real or not.

And it's sad that some people are so blinded to the truth. He says, some things you thought were real are fake. Many things you had believed from some churches about me is not who I Am or how I work at all. So if you even see when you're watching the chosen, you can even see like Jesus was not accepted by his own, the synagogues and the churches, they didn't accept him.

He was too radical. He, they didn't understand his teachings. He was getting too much attention. They were threatened by him. They did not accept him.

The Jewish leaders did not accept him and some today still do not accept the teaching and who Jesus really was. To this day,

he says, many things you have even believed from some churches about me is not who I Am or how I work at all. Religious tradition and legalism has gotten the church so much, like I've said before, that people have believed A lie,

then he says look now. This is part of the five fold. Where do you people say? What's the five fold ministry? Go look at ephesians 4 Ephesians

4 and verse 11 now, we're all supposed to be in the body of christ We're all supposed to be one and united with the head which is jesus says the head but he asked people Then the five fold ministry five fold like a hand five and his gifts were varied This is Ephesians 4 verse 11 and he himself appointed and gave men to us, some to be apostles, which are special messengers.

Some prophets inspired preachers and expanders. Some evangelists, which are preachers of the gospel, traveling ministries. And missionaries, I mean, and some pastors, shepherds of this flock and teachers, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastor, teacher. And when he was giving me this prophecy about, I have had many teachers, prophets, evangelists, pa pa apostles and pastors, it immediately brought me right back to this scripture.

I knew exactly in his word what he was talking about. Let's keep reading. Why does God have a five fold part of the ministry? Which again, some churches have never talked about and never wanted people to understand it. Cause it didn't go with their tradition or what they understood verse 12. His intention was a perfecting and the full equipping of the saints, his consecrated people that they shed shall do the work of the ministry toward the building up of Christ's body of the church.

So why does he have a fivefold for the equipping of his body? That's why there's all of every person in that fivefold has an important part to play.

13 that it might develop until we all obtain. Oneness in the faith and in comparison of the full accurate knowledge of the son of God that we might arrive at Really mature manhood and the completeness and the personality which is nothing less than the standard height of Christ's own Perfection the measure of stature of the fullness of the Christ and the completeness found in him Why is there a fivefold and why is all these things so important?

Why are all these apostles, the prophets, evangelists, the teachers, the pastors, why are they so important for the body of Christ? For the oneness, for the fullness, and for the maturity of the body of Christ? Why do you think that the adversary has gotten into the church, he's twisted this, and he's also hidden these revelations so people wouldn't understand it?

So there wouldn't be oneness? It wouldn't be the fullness, no, wouldn't be the maturity in the body of Christ.

Now, let's see what he has to say about it. I've had many teachers, prophets, evangelists, apostles, and pastors that have belonged to me. Now, not all of them belong to him. These are the ones that belong to him. That were persecuted, ridiculed, falsely accused. Rejected by my body great vindication is coming and great changes will take place in the churches I will show my power undeniable miracles for those that I have really chosen So there are people that are teachers prophets evangelists apostles and pastors that God has truly chosen That are being used by him that they're going to he's going to show who they really are because they're going to have Undeniable miracle signs and wonders in their ministries Now some people, again, you can be touched by a person of God and not receive it if you don't believe it.

Now, he's saying undeniable things and great vindications are going to come to the ones who have been persecuted and rejected. Again, Jesus was also rejected. Now look what he also says here. So now he's talking about the ones who were not chosen. Or if they were, They've disobeyed and they've turned their back on God, even though they're behind a pulpit doesn't mean they were chosen.

And if they were chosen, doesn't mean they're still obeying. If it doesn't mean they're still obeying, they're doing it for their own reason and not for the reasoning that God sent them there for. And unfortunately, we're starting to see that a lot come out. No one who chose to be behind the pulpit. So again, back in 2009, Before that, you know, I worked part time a job.

I was a stay at home mom for the majority of the time. I, you know, my husband and I decided we're going to raise our kids. All of a sudden, 2009, God called me in to be a mom. A teacher. He called me into the five fold. This was before I even knew anything about the office of the prophet, for myself, or prophecies at all.

I didn't ask for it. I didn't know. I didn't even ask for being a teacher. I had no clue in the world, anything that God was going to do. I didn't ask. At all. Had no idea that was going to happen. But I had a call. And I heard that call and I had to obey it. Now, no one who chose to be behind the pulpit, some people choose to be behind the pulpit because they want it as a job.

That's not, you don't, you don't choose, you are chosen. That's different. No one who chose to be behind the pulpit when they were never meant to be there. Again, it's a calling. It's not a choice. It's a calling. He says, once you were called by me.

But deny my power will be judged. So people that are there now that are denying his power that were chosen, but are denying his power because I didn't feel it was religious tradition and legalism. They deny God's power and they're going to be judged. A great shaking will take place in my body and those who believe a lie will see the truth.

Then he says, some will begin to believe me instead of being deceived. Those who believe the truth will receive even more from me. So if you were receiving what God is saying to you right now, and you're receiving the word of God, you're receiving what he has planned for you. Then he's saying the more you've already received some, now you're going to receive even more from me.

More power, more glory, more of my blessing. I have told you my children repeatedly, I will greatly distinguish my children from the world and the world will know who my children are and who are not. That's why he put me back in the book of Exodus again. The great distinction. He's gonna greatly divide, not only the body of Christ, but the sheep from the wolves because there's wolves in our midst.

He's also going to separate us from the world He says that separation has already begun But soon it'll be very clear and more obvious as they grow closer to the end of this babylonian system As you grow closer to this bad end of this babylonian system You will know who I really am and what i'm really what i'm Willing to do for my children.

So some people don't know How much God is willing To do for his people. They have no clue because again, in Hosea 4, 6, God's people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. They have a lack of knowledge of what God is willing to do. Then they won't receive what God wants to do because they won't know that he's willing to do it.

That's why it's so important. Get in the word. See what he's willing to do. His word, this, this Bible, his word is his will. So if you want to know what God is and who he is and what he does and what he's willing to do, you gotta get in here to find it out.

He says, I Am a promise keeper. I'm still a miracle worker. I'm still a healer. I'm still a deliverer. So get ready, my children, the great showdown has begun! And your enemy's defeat will be seen, and soon you will celebrate for what I, the Lord, will do for you to bring a great restoration to this land and my children across the nations.

It's your time, it's all yours! And then he said, some will be asking, Lord, what is ours? Because people don't know their inheritance. They don't know what belongs to them. So now God's answering your question. What is ours? What belongs to us, Lord? And he's telling you, everything upon this earth has already been given to you, been given to you.

Read what my word really says and not someone's take on it. Really read and see what I have given to you as your inheritance. Then take all that belongs to you. It is that easy. That's like God saying here, here's chocolate cake. Now I use that because I like chocolate cake. I don't eat chocolate cake right now.

But I love chocolate cake. Okay. Love chocolate. And so it's like God saying here, here's a whole cake and I can sit there and I can stare at this cake and I can dream and I can be even drooling because I know that cakes and it tastes really good. How moist it is, how chocolatey it is, and how awesome it is, and I know what chocolate, a good chocolate cake tastes like,

but it's not good enough to know what it is. So we can know the purpose and the plans of God and know how awesome it is, but there's a difference of taking. It's mine. It's in God's hand and he's holding it. It's mine, but I'm not going to be able to enjoy it and receive it unless I say, Lord, I take that cake.

I thank you I get to take it. I get to receive it. I get to enjoy it within reason. I'm not gonna eat the whole cake at one time. I'm not gonna eat a sliver at one sitting, but I'm not gonna eat the whole cake at one time. The whole point is, is taking what God has. He's given to us these things, but we haven't taken all that He's given.

He's given us inheritance. Now it's time to take that inheritance. First, it's time to know the inheritance and it's time to take that inheritance. You can't enjoy something without taking it and receiving it as yours. I hope that clarifies for some people. All right. Now, then he says, it's that time for my children.

So shine is it's my time for my children to shine their light and destroy the great darkness that has been upon this earth. Get ready because I Am ready to pour out my glory. Say it's the Lord of hosts. Now, again, we are supposed to shine our light. But a lot of people's lives have grown dim because of all of the things that they are going through in their life.

But God is shining that light on the inside of you, not only to free you so you can freely serve God, that you can freely be used by God to help destroy that darkness upon this earth. To help others be free. Then it goes in. So this was interesting about Klaus Schwab. This is not the first time he's talked about him.

That's not the first time he's mentioned him. He says there is more to Klaus Schwab and his abrupt resignation. You will hear the truth on why so many have left their positions. As I have told you, they would not leave by their own choice. Pharaoh didn't lead by his own choice either. It is some Kings in the Bible.

These people don't like to leave their positions of power. They are, they are forced out. By God's mighty hand. He says, but I will soon show the world what had happened to them all. Now, have you put this in bold? Cause I thought it was interesting. Some will remain silent. Many will be surprised how many are silent now, even though it may not appear that way.

To me, silent. Means they're no longer alive. They will remain silent. Not the fact that you just can't see him anymore. It's a fact that they're not there anymore. He said, some will remain silent. Then he says, many will be surprised how many are silent now, even though it may not appear that way. So some have already died, but it looks like they're still alive.

If you guys get what I'm saying, because people are, God even talked to us about There are people, things are not how they appear to be, and there's actors in certain places. For a reason you don't want your our enemies don't want to show their weakness So they have to allow things to look a certain way for optics All right Then he goes on and talks even about george soros you see Both of these people klaus schwab and george soros and a lot of these elites are out They were out in the open a lot.

They were talking a lot they were doing a lot of things like george soros and all the things that he was doing against our elections or what he was Doing with um the the voting machines all these different types of things Even, you know, one of his people, his groups of people took one of the first times it took me off YouTube.

Media Matters, owned by George Soros. Silencing people should not surprise us. Well, that's what they do. He says something similar has taken place with George Soros. Many of the elites and global leaders are no longer leaders and no longer in control. Now, he's just given us a couple of people, but he's saying we're going to start seeing more and more people come out.

They're no longer in control. It may look like it, but they're not. Many changes have been made to these societies and people in charge. Their power has been shaken and their ruling class will continue to realize they no longer have their power or resources to rule their, their end for a bit, very big surprise because they're, they're not, they're not in control.

My children are time on the world stage, controlling everything. Now look. This was hard for me to hear this as well. My children are time on the world stage, controlling everything like it was their own board game. The world elites were controlling the world like it was their own board game. And the world population, as their pawns, is giving you more insight of how evil they are.

It's like a game to them.

All this is coming crashing down before your very eyes. Say it's the Lord, your Redeemer, or say it's the Lord of hosts. Excuse me. Then he says and I think again, remember when God talked about the big fish guy has been talking about the architects and the blueprints. This is one. We're gonna start seeing more of that because I, the, a lot of these societies and a lot of these people that were the, the front men weren't all, all the big fish, but they were, some of them maybe watch Argentina, watch Argentina.

Something surprising will take place there that will get the world's attention. There'll be another country that their government will be shaken and will collapse. So watch another government collapse. We've already started to see some in the last few years, guys been talking about governments collapsing.

We've seen quite a few. God saying, we're going to see even more. There's going to be another one. My children. I told you their governments wouldn't last who are against me. So there's going to be governmental collapses. To other nations again, there's more going on with oil There is a fight against what you're talking about is a petrodollar That they are trying to keep hidden that are designed to take out is designed to take out the american economy I will show you that this Will not go as your enemies or your government Designed they wanted to destroy our dollar To bring in a digital currency To bring in a digital currency for more control.

I will show you Their plans and they will all fail and everyone involved will be judged for what they have tried to do against my land. Again, this is a foreshadowing of what's going to take place in the book of Revelation in the end times in the tribulation period. This is a foreshadowing. They are trying to push us through into that tribulation period and it ain't gonna work.

It's not that time. It's time for God's glory first. Their economy was a joke. I will show you my children what a scam it all really was. A Ponzi scheme on a world scale designed to change whenever they wanted to steal from you and to control this nation and others around the world. I'm about to empty many of these nations and the world leaders accounts.

So there's going to be something happen with the economy. Money and the economy. No, it's not false. Yes, this is true I have done it before and I will do it again Say it's the lord he empty the accounts the bank accounts i'm telling you of all of egypt And God's people got it all before they walked out a sandstorm will make the news big time Unusual they will say some unprecedented Will say I will show you signs of judgment and people will know that I Am still the great I Am He's talked about sandstorms before there's already been prophecies about sandsto

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