StolenHistory 1/3 > Lifting the Veil of Deception

7 months ago

#StolenHistory 1/3 > Lifting the Veil of Deception by
#OfficialHistory is a #ConstructofLies. We are in a state of #CollectiveAmnesia.
“Nothing is as it seems, it’s time for us to remember and lift the veil of deception! Wake up!”
> What do we really know about our past?
> Are we suffering from a #CollectiveMemoryLoss?
> Who are we really?
> Where do we come from?
> Was there a technically-advanced #UnifedCivilisation on Earth less than 500 years ago?
> Are #StarCities one of the markers of this civilisation?
> Was there a #reset that destroyed large parts of our past, our knowledge and culture?
> Why did #HumanKnowledge suddenly explode in the XIX century?
> What role did the #WorldFair play in reintroducing #ForgottenTechnologies?
> Did someone secretly destroy remnants of #OldWorld structures under the pretence of a #TemporaryExposition?

Will post the entire series to the channel

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