The amazing multi-talented Sweden born/raised Elin-Margareta Nordin is my very special guest!

8 months ago

The multi-talented Sweden born/raised Elin-Margareta Nordin talks about her amazing career as an actress, editor, filmmaker, and founder of EM Nordin Productions plus as host of the horror podcast “The Untitled Podcast by E-MN”! Elin began her career in her teens with her parents driving her to auditions and studying at Santa Monica College in Los Angeles in Theater, released numerous films beginning in ’04 while working in L.A., London & Stockholm including “The Bohemian”, “The Alcohol Party”, “The Angels of Brick Lane”, “Me, Myself & Her”, “Toy Box Killers” and an upcoming project featuring Paul Bagnall, and has worked with Mark Paul Denham in “Love & Warheads”! Check out the amazing Elin-Margareta Nordin on all streaming platforms along her podcast at www. today! #elinmargaretanordin #sweden #actress #filmmaker #emnordinprodcutions #podcast #theuntitledshow #losangles #stockholm #london #thebohemian #thealcoholparty #theanglesofbricklane #memyselfandher #toyboxkillers #paulbagnall #markpauldenham #loveandwarheads #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerelinmargaretanordin #themikewagnershowelinmargaretanordin

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