A Study of The Declaration of Independence: Happy Birthday America!!!

8 months ago

The first 155 words of The Declaration of Independence outline six major governing principles that have led to American exceptionalism. Those principles are:

1. There is a God.
2. Inalienable Rights Come From God.
3. Government is To Protect Inalienable Rights.
4. There is a Fixed Moral Law.
5. The Consent of The Governed (us) Gives Government It's Power.
6. We The People Can Alter, Abolish, or Create New Government.

American exceptionalism is the bi-product of these six major governing principles - principles that resulted in the recognition and establishment of God-given inalienable rights, individualism, limited government, religious toleration, free-market economics, full republicanism, separation of powers, checks and balances, an educated and virtuous citizenry, and other distinctive elements.

In honor of these lasting truths set forth in The Declaration, let's celebrate this Independence Day in a way that was recommended by John Adams:

"It ought to be commemorated, as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God."

God Bless!!!

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