The Coup d'état of 1963

8 months ago

In the words of John F. Kennedy, "The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, but the myth: persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic." Such is the case with the assassination of that U.S. President, which was not the act of a crazed lone gunman, but a coup d'état that was orchestrated by Vice-President, Lyndon Baines Johnson, who was assisted by rogue actors in the CIA, the FBI, the Secret Service, and the Dallas Police Department in the coverup that coup, a coverup which persists to this day.
In spite of a federal Law that requires the U.S. government to do so, there are thousands of documents that the government still refuses to release to the American people concerning the assassination of President Kennedy. If Lee Harvey Oswald really did it; if the Warren Commission's findings were accurate, then what purpose does it serve to conceal these documents as the government has for so long? What is our government hiding from us more than 60 years later?
Perhaps what they're afraid of is that we'll figure it out; that the Assassination was really not the act of murder by a crazed lone gunman, but a coup d'état by LBJ and his co-conspirators.
It's quite telling to me that, in spite of being ordered to release the JFK Assassination files by a unanimous Act of Congress in 1992 (see John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992), there are thousands of documents that are still being kept secret, first by Orders of President Donald Trump in 2017, and then again by orders of the current, illegitimate occupant of the Oval Office, Joseph Biden in 2022.
What are they hiding, given the fact that every person who might be implicated is already dead? One can only assume that it must be something BIG--confirmation that we Americans have been living under the boot of a criminal, illegitimate government ever since that fateful day in November, 1963.
Lyndon Johnson basically had two choices in 1963; he could make a bold move for the White House, or get thrown in the Big House. By November of 1963, Bobby Kennedy and the DOJ were on his crooked tail, and they were already poised to indict him on federal charges stemming from crimes he had engaged in while he was in Congress. Few people realize that he was heavily involved with the Dixie Mob in Texas; that he actually stole his 1948 election to Congress (see Ballot Box 13), or that he was involved in at least eight murders; or that he was caught embezzling money while he serving as head of Senate Appropriations Committee and in charge of dishing out federal [cotton] farming subsidies (see Billie Sol Estes case). Entire books have been written about the criminal exploits of that evil man.
In fact, Robert F. Kennedy's DOJ investigation had linked LBJ to numerous crimes, including several murders of his personal enemies, and even the murder of his own sister and his sister's lover. When Johnson discovered that his crimes were slated for public disclosure in a December, 1963 story that Time magazine was set to run in its Christmas issue, and that he would soon be indicted by RFK, LBJ realized that he had nothing to lose by having JFK killed, and then later Robert Kennedy too. When LBJ became President, he knew that he could put a lid on any genuine investigation of the assassination, which is exactly what he did, invoking "National Security" anytime he needed to during the investigation.
Upon her death, Evelyn Lincoln, who was the personal secretary to President John F. Kennedy, provided crucial evidence which directly linked LBJ to the assassination. Both the FBI and the CIA were presented with this crucial evidence, as was the Attorney General's Office of Texas, but instead of seeking justice for our nation, and restoring a legitimate, Constitutional government to the American People, rogue elements of the federal government engaged in a cover up of Johnson's involvement, and actively suppressed this evidence, again under the guise of "National security." Consequently, during LBJ's brief time in the Oval Office, he signed one unconstitutional Law after another, all of which were repugnant to the established Political Order established by our nation, and those laws have changed our country forever in ways that are irreparable now.
Every act LBJ made as President--every law he signed--every Order he ever made--was just as illegitimate as his presidency, and those acts ought to be considered void, and stricken from the books forever. That is the only thing that will heal a nation that has been hijacked as ours was.
Since the Coup of '63, as I now call it, which history proves LBJ orchestrated, the Leftists have managed to completely invert our society, and transform it from what was once one of the most homogenous, prosperous, and virtuous nation that ever existed on Earth into collapsing, Neo-Marxist hellhole that we see today.
Let's not forget that the Central Intelligence Agency is nothing more than a [secret] servant of the Thirteen Families. After all, many of President Harry Truman's closest advisors were well-known agents of the central banking families, and you can be 100% certain that they did all they could to convince him that a clandestine, intelligence agency [detatched from the U.S. military] was needed. The banksters knew that they needed an a dark army working for them deep inside our government, similar to the German Gestapo, that would never be subjected to public or inter-agency scrutiny.
"I think it has become necessary to take another look at the purpose and operations of our Central Intelligence Agency... The original reason why I thought it necessary to organize this Agency... and what I expected it to do." It would be "charged with the collection of all intelligence reports from every available source, and to have those reports reach me as President without Department 'treatment' or interpretations... The CIA has since become removed from its intended role... I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations... It has [now] become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the government." - Former President Harry S. Truman, Washington Post (1963)
Since it's creation in 1947, the CIA, which was originally called the Central Intellegence Group (CIG), has done nothing but destroy every foundation of our society, driving us ever closer, like cowboys driving a herd of cattle, towards our nation's ultimate destination, a Technocratic global feedlot they call the New World Order--a Neo-feudalistic society where life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness will be impossible for anyone but the global elite who engineered that system.
Only the vast coverup that took place while LBJ was President kept the American People from discovering that we have been living under a criminal, illegitimate federal government ever since November 22, 1963. That knowledge, had it been known to the public at that time, would have no doubt led to all sorts of badly-needed reforms that never happened. In fact, our country was drawn deeper and deeper into the corruption that was already so prevalent since FDR was in office, and now our country is so damaged, so broken, so drawn in the tangled web of the New World Order, that there may no longer be any hope of restoring it.
"The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial. Speculation about Oswald's motivation ought to be cut off, and we should have some basis for rebutting thought that this was a conspiracy. The Dallas police have put out statements on the Communist conspiracy theory, and it was they who were in charge when he was shot and thus silenced. We need something to head off public speculation or Congressional hearings of the wrong sort." - U.S. Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach memo to Bill Moyers at CBS News (Nov 25, 1963)
History proves that Lynden Johnson was probably the most corrupt and evil man ever to hold office in the United States government. He even had his own personal hitman, Malcom Wallace, whose fingerprints were found in the Sniper's Nest of the Texas School Book Depository, a building that was owned by another close associate of LBJ. However, the Warren Commission ignored this evidence, because it would have linked LBJ directly to the crime.
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy was not the random act of a lone malcontent, devoid of meaning. It was a coup détat by orchestrated by Lyndon Baines Johnson and the CIA. It was LBJ's own personal hitman, Malcolm "Mack" Wallace, who took his shot from the Texas School Book Depository window--the shot that struck Kennedy's neck from behind. The lethal head shot that finally killed Kennedy was taken from behind the picket fence by a mob hitman hired by the CIA while E. Howard Hunt, Cord Myer, and Frank Sturgis monitored that shooter from the train station behind Dealy Plaza. Those three were arrested at the train station by Dallas Police shortly after the shooting, but were later released from custody without being properly interrogated (See E. Howard Hunt's deathbed testimony). All three were dressed and posing as bums when they were arrested at the train station.
The forces that were responsible the death of JFK continue to exert their malevolent influence upon America to this day. It was a coup détat, orchestrated and covered up by LBJ on behalf of the real power in this world the Thirteen Families, the Money Masters, who Kennedy opposed by issuing billions of Dollars in debt-free, silver-backed Treasury Notes (real money).
That's right. On June 4, 1963, Executive Order 11110, was signed by President Kennedy, which sought to strip the privately-owned Federal Reserve of its power to conterfeit unredeemable (worthless) money and loan it to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, he sought to restore the United States to a debt-free, sovereign, currency--one based on silver. Just like Presidents Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, and McKinley before him, Kennedy wanted to free America from the control of the central bankers. Coincidentally, of course, an assassin shot him too four months later, and Executive Order 11110 was never acted upon by any subsequent president. In fact, that Executive Order was eventually, "quietly" repealed by President Reagan.
Let's not forget either that there was a deep animosity that the CIA had for the Kennedy family which stretched back to something the family patriarch, Joseph P. Kennedy did in the 1950s that incurred the wrath of Allen Dulles, who was then head of the CIA.
Joseph P. Kennedy had served on a commission that was charged with examining and analyzing CIA covert activities. As part of that commission, Kennedy determined that the CIA had done LOTS of bad things with its regime-change operations that were destroying democracies, such as in Iran, Guatemala, and elsewhere. Consequently, he recommended that the CIA's power to engage in covert activities be terminated, and that the CIA be strictly limited to intelligence gathering activities only. After all, covert activities need not be something that an unaccountable federal agency does, which is still the case today, but should be something the military does. That way, there's always a chain-of-command and some form of accountability, and at least theoretical assurances that such activities are only aimed at enemies of this nation rather than its citizens.
After President Kennedy fired Allen Dulles as CIA Director, because he unilaterally ordered the Bay of Pigs Invasion (in Cuba) without any authorization from his President to do so, he famously said "I will break the CIA into a thousand pieces, and cast it to the wind." Yet, after JFK was assassinated, none other than Allen Dulles himself was put in charge of the Warren Commission, which was tasked with the investigation of Kennedy's assassination. So, is there any wonder why the most important information that's related to the Kennedy Assassinations is still being withheld from the American people to this day?
The Coup d'état of 1963
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