mRNA Negative Efficacy: Letter in Australian Journal of General Practice

8 months ago

Lynda Wharton is the founder of who document Covid vaccine harms in New Zealand including injuries and disabilities, as well as deaths. Thousands of New Zealanders have documented harms following administration of both genetic vaccines (Moderna, Pfizer, Astra-Zeneca and Janssen) and also Novavax. This includes but is not limited to, neurological injuries, cardiac injuries, immune dysfunction, clotting dysfunction eg stroke and thrombosis, unusual cancers and sudden deaths. Most sudden deaths are not being investigated and there are reports that the NZ Police, when informing family of a death, appear to be following some sort of guidance, to encourage grieving families against asking for autopsy.

The letter that Lynda is reading out here, is available at this link:

Beneath the letter by Dr Lataster, are a series of other letters both disagreeing with Dr Tindle (from researchers at the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance, which is an agency involved in promoting vaccination); as well as communication from independent clinicians and academics grateful for Dr Tindle's assessment and evidence.

This is the two-way conversation that normally takes place in public health. In 2020 that all changed, with a "single source of truth" - politically motivated - being established, enforcing strict censorship, crushing of debate, destruction of careers and livelihoods. Those who continued to speak out despite aggressive and nasty cancelling, can take credit for the fact that finally, debate is being tolerated even in mainstream medical journals.

What is needed next, is to permanently stop the World Health Organization from passing international legislation which would place them as the global "single source of truth", when their "truth" during the Covid pandemic led to mass harm on a scale never seen before, starting with lockdown recommendations and culminating in pharmaceutical harms. The World Health Organization have morphed into a marketing arm of the pharmaceutical industry with a Marxist agenda and need to be dismantled and replaced.


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