2 Guys Town Hall 1 - 6/25/24 w/ Dave Giordano

7 months ago

On June 25th and 27th we had two Town Hall Meetings in Bradford, PA to discuss the pros and cons of an Article V Convention that could be implemented to allow states to add amendments to the US Constitution.
The first of the two was with Dave Giordano from the John Birch Society who presented a case against such a convention. The second was with Dr. Matt Zale and Jim O'Connor both with the Pennsylvania Convention of States movement in Pennsylvania. We also had these gentlemen on our podcasts on June 26th and July 3rd respectively.
We waited until after the podcast on July 3rd to post the recorded video of both Town Hall meetings. We invite you to watch these, evaluate what they are presenting with a critical mind and make up your own mind as to what position you would support.
As with our podcasts, we are starting these Town Hall meetings to bring you trusted information you may not find anywhere else.
VIDEO 1 of 2

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