The US Deported 116 Chinese Illegals via Charter Flight

6 months ago

07/04/2024 PGurus: The U.S. deported 116 illegal immigrants back to China via a large charter flight for the first time since 2018. America has encountered a lot of difficulties in deporting illegal immigrants because the CCP refused to take back them. Homeland Security said they are working with China on more removal flights in the future, but did not give a timeline.
#Chineseillegalimmigrants #charterflight #deportation
07/04/2024 PGurus:美国使用一架大型包机将116名非法移民遣返回中共国,这是2018年之后的首次。美国在遣返非法移民方面遇到了很多困难,因为中共拒绝接收他们。美国国土安全部表示,他们正与中共国合作,在未来会安排更多遣返航班,但没有给出具体时间表。
#中国非法移民 #包机 #遣返

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